Writer/philosopher Gustave Flaubert coined the expression “Perfection is the Enemy of the Good”. I heard a variation of this quote recently when Maine’s Senior Senator Olympia Snowe, when explaining her decision to vote for the compromise stimulus package, said “Perfection is the enemy of the essentials.”
Local talk radio here in Maine has a conservative bent. Local conservatives were venting on The John McDonald Show this morning. “How could our two Senators dare to call themselves Republicans after deciding to vote for a package so full of pork?”, they asked.
I was kind of surprised when Susan Collins went along with Senator Snowe. This past summer Senator Collins, who was up for re-election, was painted by Democratic campaign operatives as a right wing crazy. Now the right wing crazies are saying she sold them out.
Senators Snowe and Collins are never liberal enough for the Democrats and never conservative enough for the Republicans. I’m amazed they can win anything at all.
So after being attacked all summer, Susan Collins works with Senators Lieberman , Spector and Nelson to broker a compromise which will result in the passage of the stimulus package. All of them agree that the package is far from perfect.
Now what has this got to do with Maine Lakefront Property? EVERYTHING!
Let me break some bad news to you: there are no perfect lakefront properties. Some have great views but no sandy beach. Others have great views but marshy or mucky frontage. Some lakefront camps are more primitive than rustic. In all the years I’ve been selling lakefront real esate I’ve never seen a truly perfect lakefront property.
So, when looking for a lakefront property, be prepared to compromise a little. You don’t want to be like the buyer who recently told me she has been looking for FIVE years. She told me that she would rather not have a lakefront home at all if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. And so she keeps looking.
So…for five years she hasn’t had to live in a lakefront home that didn’t measure up to her “exacting” standards. But, also, for five summers she and her family have missed the wonder, pleasure and memories of five golden summers in Maine. Too bad.
Raymond Offers Wide Selection For Maine Lakefront Buyers
February 8, 2009Naples Winter Carnival on Long Lake This Weekend
February 13, 2009Seeking Lakefront Perfection is the Enemy of the Good Maine Vacation Property
Writer/philosopher Gustave Flaubert coined the expression “Perfection is the Enemy of the Good”. I heard a variation of this quote recently when Maine’s Senior Senator Olympia Snowe, when explaining her decision to vote for the compromise stimulus package, said “Perfection is the enemy of the essentials.”
Local talk radio here in Maine has a conservative bent. Local conservatives were venting on The John McDonald Show this morning. “How could our two Senators dare to call themselves Republicans after deciding to vote for a package so full of pork?”, they asked.
I was kind of surprised when Susan Collins went along with Senator Snowe. This past summer Senator Collins, who was up for re-election, was painted by Democratic campaign operatives as a right wing crazy. Now the right wing crazies are saying she sold them out.
Senators Snowe and Collins are never liberal enough for the Democrats and never conservative enough for the Republicans. I’m amazed they can win anything at all.
So after being attacked all summer, Susan Collins works with Senators Lieberman , Spector and Nelson to broker a compromise which will result in the passage of the stimulus package. All of them agree that the package is far from perfect.
Now what has this got to do with Maine Lakefront Property? EVERYTHING!
Let me break some bad news to you: there are no perfect lakefront properties. Some have great views but no sandy beach. Others have great views but marshy or mucky frontage. Some lakefront camps are more primitive than rustic. In all the years I’ve been selling lakefront real esate I’ve never seen a truly perfect lakefront property.
So, when looking for a lakefront property, be prepared to compromise a little. You don’t want to be like the buyer who recently told me she has been looking for FIVE years. She told me that she would rather not have a lakefront home at all if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. And so she keeps looking.
So…for five years she hasn’t had to live in a lakefront home that didn’t measure up to her “exacting” standards. But, also, for five summers she and her family have missed the wonder, pleasure and memories of five golden summers in Maine. Too bad.
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