We have just received notice of the release of the latest newsletter from the Lakes Environmental Association. This four-pager is dedicated to giving us all an end-of-the-season milfoil update. Here is what you’ll find:
Counterattack at Salmon Lake: The news that Eurasian milfoil had gained a foothold in Salmon Lake (Belgrade Lakes area) was certainly discouraging, but the real issue now is the response. And on that subject there is some cautious optimism.
Don’t be afraid to hope: As the battle begins in Salmon Lake and continues against in other waters, it’s important to know there’s hope.
What’s the story on milfoil weevils? The Eurasian milfoil in Salmon Lake has sparked questions about the weevils sometimes used to fight them.
22 tons of milfoil: That’s correct – you read it right. At Thompson Lake, 44,000 pounds were hand-pulled, brought up, bagged, trucked off and turned into compost.
Please use this link to catch up on all the latest news in the Fall Milfoil Update.
The LEA provides a great resource for those interested in the condition of area lakes and ponds. Get plugged in to all the voluteer efforts that are continually going on to help protect the health and safety of our lakes and ponds. Check out their general website at www.mainelakes.org
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