Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine March 8-14

Pemaquid Lake, Nobleboro and Bremen, Maine: Listen to the Laughter of the Loons
Pemaquid Lake, Nobleboro and Bremen, Maine: Listen to the Laughter of the Loons
March 4, 2012
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine March 8-14
March 7, 2012

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine March 8-14

Bath Antiques Show, Bath

March 8-11, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Thurs-Sat, 2pm/Sunday, “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged),” a parody of the plays written by William Shakespeare,  $19/general, $15/seniors and students, pay-what-you-can/Thursday, Freeport Factory Stage, 5 Depot Street, Freeport.  FMI:  207-865-5505, www.freeportfactory.com.


March 8, Thursday, 7pm, “The Pillowman,” by Irish playwright Martin McDonagh, tells the tale of Katurian, a fiction writer living in a police state who is interrogate about the gruesome content of his short stories, presented by Bowdoin College Department of Theater and Dance, free/tickets required, Memorial Hall, Bowdoin College, 5000 South Street, Brunswick.  FMI:  207-725-3375, www.bowdoin.edu.


March 8, Thursday, 8pm, Carolina Chocolate Drops, revive interest in the old songs from the decades following the Civil War, these young musicians will get audiences clapping, singing and dancing to gut strings and clacking bones, $24, Strand Theatre, 345 Main Street, Rockland.  FMI: 207-594-0070,www.rocklandstrand.com.


March 9, Friday, 3pm, Teatime Concert, Olivier Messiaen anniversary concert, pianists Bridget Convey, Chiharu Naruse and Annie Antonacos, free, Studzinski Recital Hall, Bowdoin College, 5000 South Street, Brunswick.  FMI:  207-798-4141, www.bowdoin.edu.


March 9, Friday, 7:30pm, “Sex in the Sixties,” an evening of four plays which unfold at the beginning of the sexual revolution sixties and explore in a loving way the intimate and human relationships craved by all ages, $12, Lincoln Theater, 2 Theater Street, Damariscotta.  FMI:  207-563-3424, www.lcct.org.


March 11, Sunday, 2:30pm, Midcoast Symphony Orchestra, Karla Kelley, guest conductor, Allison Eldredge, soloist Herbert Cello Concerto, pieces by Tchaikovsky and von Weber, $17/general, free/18 and under, Orion Performing Arts Center, 66 Republic Ave,Topsham.  FMI:  207-838-0700,www.midcoastsymphony.org.


March 12, Monday, 10am-2pm, Bath Antiques Show, 50 dealers known for their wonderful variety of fresh antiques offered in a friendly atmosphere, $4, Bath Middle School, Old Brunswick Road, Bath.  FMI:  207-443-8983, www.bathantiquesshows.com.




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