Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

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Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

“And Then There Were None,”  Hallowell

Sept. 1, Thursday, 1-2pm, 155th Birthday Celebration, Louise Helen Coburn, everyone is welcome, enjoy soe cake, lemonade and musical recordings from the 1892 Regina Music Box, take a tour of the History House before of after the celebration, Skowhegan History House, 66 Elm Street, Skowhegan.  FMI:  207-474-3621,www.skowheganchamber.com.



Sept. 1, Thursday, 6:30pm, Summer Music Concert Series, soulful jazz from Augusta natives the Chas Lester Duo, free, Lithgow Public Library, 45 Winthrop Street, Augusta.  FMI:  207-626-2415, www.lithgow.lib.me.us.



Sept. 1-3, Thursday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “And Then There Were None,” based on an Agatha Christie novel, this play tells the story of ten people on a remote island who find themselves facing their own deaths.  Their unidentified host informs them, via a recording that they all will die before the weekend is out.  There is no way for any of them to flee.  One by one, the guest are killed, until…, $12/adults $10/seniors and students, Gaslight Theater, 1 Winthrop Street, Hallowell.  FMI:  207-626-3698,www.gaslighttheater.org/index.php.



Sept. 1-4, Thursday-Sunday, 4pm/Sunday, 8pm/Thurs-Sat, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” based on the novel by Harper Lee, this story tackles the notion of prejudice in all its forms:  racial, gender, and class, $19.50/advance, $21.50/door, Lakewood Theatre, 76 Theatre Road, Madison.  FMI:  207-474-7176, www.lakewoodtheater.org.



Sept. 2, Friday, 5:30-8pm, Cruiz Night, featuring cars and trucks from 1900 to the present day, free, Rolly’s Diner Parking Lot, Mill Street, Auburn.  FMI:  207-577-2694,www.laitshappeninghere.com.


Sept. 2, Friday, 6-8pm, Choices for Sustainable Living, the meaning of sustainable living and the ties between lifestyle choices and their impact, topics include the way our society’s functions affect the earth, ecological principles, consumerism, food choices, communities and visions of sustainability, $5, First Universalist Church of Auburn, 169 Pleasant St, Auburn.  FMI:  207-783-0461, www.mainetoday.com


Sept. 3, Saturday, 8am, 5k race, annual 5k to help protect the Belgrade Lakes Watershed, call BRCA to sign-up and get details, Camp Runoia, 3 Lucy Weiser Lane, Belgrade.  FMI:  207-495-6039, www.belgradelakes.org.



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