“Godspell,” at Little Theatre, Springvale
7/21-24, Thursday-Sunday, 5:00pm Thursday ends 10:30pm Sunday, Ossipee Valley Music Festival, featuring a variety of bluegrass artists, New England flatpickin’ championship, New England Songwriting Championship, see site for ticket prices, Ossipee Fair Grounds, 291 South Hiram Road, Hiram. FMI: 207-625-8656, www.ossipeevalley.com.
7/21-24, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm Thurs.-Sat, 2:00pm Sun, “Godspell,” musical by Stephen Schwartz and John-Michael Tebelak, a series of parables based on the Gospel of Matthew and interspersed with a variety of modern music, $10 and $8, Little Theater, 457 Main Street, Springvale. FMI: 207-324-5657, www.nassoncc.org/.
July 22-23, Friday-Saturday, 8:00pm, “Gypsy,” the ultimate story about an aggressive stage mother. Join Rose, June and Louise in their trip across the United States during the 1920’s, when vaudeville was dying and burlesque was born, $20, City Theater, 205 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-282-0849, www.citytheater.org/.
July 23, Saturday, 10:30am-3:00pm, Carousel Rides, take a ride of a lifetime on Willowbrook’s fully restored and functional 1894 Armitage Herschell carousel. Formerly a ride for adults, must be 10 years of age and feet must reach stirrups to ride alone, free ride with museum, or $3/per person, Willowbrook Musesum. Elm Street, Newfield. FMI: 207-793-2784, www.willowbrookmuseum.org.
July 23, Saturday, 12:00-6:00pm, Annual Arts and Crafts Fair, Art in Memorial Park featuring numerous Maine and New England artists work on display for sale and judging. Entertainment by the Salvation Army Band and a barbershop quartet, free, Memorial Park, Old Orchard Maine FMI: 207-934-2024, www.oldorchardbeachmaine.com.
June 25, Monday, 7:30pm, Taylor’s Grove, American roots music simple old-fashioned music that reaches across barriers of place and generations, free, Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, Main Street Springvale. FMI: 207-490-1028, www.sanfordhistory.org/index.html.
July 26, Tuesday, 7:00-8:00pm, Cornish Bandstand Summer Series, Tricky Britches, a high-energy bluegrass band, bring your own lawn chairs, blankets, bug spray, concessions are available, free, 180 Maple Street, Cornish. FMI: 207-625-4993, www.cornish-maine.org.