Rufus Porter-talk and book signing, Bethel
May 19, Thursday, 8:30am, Crooked River Habitat Training, training for volunteers to identify and document the condition of the banks and vegetation along the Crooked River, teams will be assigned to work in areas of the watershed, free, Crooked River Adult and Community Education Center, 1437 Poland Spring Road, Casco. FMI: 207-892-4700,
May 19, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Folk Art Murals of the Rufus Porter School: New England Landscapes 1825-1845,” illustrated talk and book signing by co-authors, Jane E. Radcliffe and Linda Carter Lefko, free, Mason House Exhibit Hall, Broad Street, Bethel. FMI: 207-824-2908,
May 19, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Cadence in Concert,” four men, four microphones, no instruments, this is the formula for this Toronto’s celebrated vocal band, this group thrills with its innovative arrangements of popular and original songs, hailed as “Canada’s premier jazz-pop a cappella group,” $20/adults, $15/seniors, $10/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232,
May 20, Friday, 12:00pm, Nature Walk-Exploring the Fresh Green, check out the vast ecosystems of Holt Pond with time for pictures, journaling and strolling, wear sturdy walking shoes, repellent, hat and bring water, $5, Holt Pond Preserve, Chaplin Mill Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580,
May 20, Friday, 12:00pm, Gardeners’ Get Together, join a group of enthusiastic gardeners as they share their gardening experiences, plans and dreams, scheduled for this session is a discussion of garden journals, participants are encouraged to bring their journals and two more plants to share and trade, bring a bag lunch and enjoy the company of fellow gardeners, free, Hobbs Library, 227 Main Street, Lovell. FMI: 207-925-3177,
May 21, Saturday, 8:30am, 1st Annual Naples Spruce-Up Day, volunteers needed to help spruce up the town, volunteers must have their own transportation, bring own rakes, water and work gloves, a barbeque at the Inn at Long Lake will be provided for all volunteers, free, Inn at Long Lake, Lake House Road, Naples. FMI: 207-693-6226,
May 20-22, Friday-Sunday, 7:30pm Friday and Saturday, 2:00pm Sunday, “Truly Talented Kids Variety Show,” kids showcase their talents to raise money to support the Sebago Schoolhouse, come and see this amazing talent, $5, Sebago School House, Route 114, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3743,