This time of year can be hard on a Maine waterfront real estate buyer. There’s a blanket of snow covering that sandy beach, there are no loons laughing and calling, and summer seems a long way off. What’s a buyer to do?
Well, this is no time to be singing the blues! This is Maine we’re talking about. We do occaisionally have snowy winters, but Spring arrives in less than three weeks! In six weeks you’ll hear peepers at night and smell a skunk or two. The ice will be going out of all lakes and ponds and they’ll be sightings of robins and bluebirds. And, yes, most of the snow will be gone.
Time is of the essence! A waterfront property buyer has things to do. The next four weeks or so offer a great opportunity for potential lakefront property buyers to gear up for the season ahead. Because so much information is available on the internet there’s no reason not to be totally prepared before ever setting foot on a waterfront property. So class, here are your instructions: Do your homework!
Start by reseaching an area you are interested in. Go to a towns’s website and to the website of the area’s Chamber of Commerce – Bridgton, for instance, and the Lakes Region Area Chamber of Commerce. Find out about tax rates, shoreland zoning rules, area development, local hospital services, and area amenities including shopping, restaurants, movie theaters, and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Now, what about focussing in on a particular lake or pond you might be interested in? You can use our LakeSmart feature and get linked into information on hundreds of Maine lakes and ponds. Also visit the website of a local environmental group, like the Lakes Environmental Association, to learn more about local ecosystems.
If you think you might be borrowing money to purchase a waterfront property then this would be a great time to sit down with your banker or mortgage broker to really get a clear view of your financing options. You’d be surprised how many buyers start looking at property without knowing what their purchasing power is.
Finally, if you get these assignments done, why not take an early season ride to the area of your choice in Maine. They’ll be no traffic to speak of, places to stay are plentiful, and coming here early will provide you an unhurried look at a region, a town, a lake and, yes, maybe even a property or two – or three!
And if you can’t get away, you can always use our Lakefront Locator where you can find, online, every current lakefront and lake access listing for the entire state. Happy viewing!
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Mid-Coast Maine – The Best of Both Worlds For Maine Waterfront Real Estate Buyers
March 2, 2008Looking North for Maine Waterfront Real Estate – Moosehead
March 6, 2008Cheer Up Maine Waterfront Property Buyers! Spring Is Coming!
This time of year can be hard on a Maine waterfront real estate buyer. There’s a blanket of snow covering that sandy beach, there are no loons laughing and calling, and summer seems a long way off. What’s a buyer to do?
Well, this is no time to be singing the blues! This is Maine we’re talking about. We do occaisionally have snowy winters, but Spring arrives in less than three weeks! In six weeks you’ll hear peepers at night and smell a skunk or two. The ice will be going out of all lakes and ponds and they’ll be sightings of robins and bluebirds. And, yes, most of the snow will be gone.
Time is of the essence! A waterfront property buyer has things to do. The next four weeks or so offer a great opportunity for potential lakefront property buyers to gear up for the season ahead. Because so much information is available on the internet there’s no reason not to be totally prepared before ever setting foot on a waterfront property. So class, here are your instructions: Do your homework!
Start by reseaching an area you are interested in. Go to a towns’s website and to the website of the area’s Chamber of Commerce – Bridgton, for instance, and the Lakes Region Area Chamber of Commerce. Find out about tax rates, shoreland zoning rules, area development, local hospital services, and area amenities including shopping, restaurants, movie theaters, and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Now, what about focussing in on a particular lake or pond you might be interested in? You can use our LakeSmart feature and get linked into information on hundreds of Maine lakes and ponds. Also visit the website of a local environmental group, like the Lakes Environmental Association, to learn more about local ecosystems.
If you think you might be borrowing money to purchase a waterfront property then this would be a great time to sit down with your banker or mortgage broker to really get a clear view of your financing options. You’d be surprised how many buyers start looking at property without knowing what their purchasing power is.
Finally, if you get these assignments done, why not take an early season ride to the area of your choice in Maine. They’ll be no traffic to speak of, places to stay are plentiful, and coming here early will provide you an unhurried look at a region, a town, a lake and, yes, maybe even a property or two – or three!
And if you can’t get away, you can always use our Lakefront Locator where you can find, online, every current lakefront and lake access listing for the entire state. Happy viewing!
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