Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6
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Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6
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Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Oct.31-Nov.6

“The Mousetrap,” Monmouth Theatre, Monmouth

Oct 31-Nov. 5, Thursday-Tuesday, 7:30pm/Thurs, Fri, Mon. and Tues, 5pm/Sat, 2pm/Sun, “Love/Sick By: John Cariani,” the book of love gets a hilarious rewrite in Love/Sick, a string of ten short plays combining loss and laughter, set in a comic world where heartbreak is more than a figure of speech. By the author of Almost, Maine. Directed by Dana Prof Martin Andrucki, $5/donation accepted, Bates College, 2 Andrews Road, Lewiston. FMI: 207-786-6161, www.bates.edu.

Nov. 1, Friday, 5pm, “Ralph Eugene Meatyard: Stages of Being,” panelists Stuart Horodner, Janie Welker and John Yau discuss the Museum of Art exhibition “Ralph Eugene Meatyard: Stages for Being” and offer a historical perspective of Meatyard’s photographs, his influence on contemporary artists and how the exhibit relates to writing and philosophy. Moderated by Dan Mills, museum director. A reception follows the panel at 6:30pm in the museum, free, Olin Arts Center, Room 104, 75 Russell Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-786-6158, www.bates.edu.

Nov. 1-3, Friday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sun, “The Mousetrap,” the Monmouth Community Players, along with marquis sponsor the Monmouth Federal Credit Union, are excited to announce the cast of the first show of their 28th season, Agatha Christie’s THE MOUSETRAP. The show is being directed by Danny Gay of Monmouth and assistant directed by David Marshall of Monmouth. The rest of the production team include: producer Megan Record of Monmouth, costumer Ann Fairchild of Monmouth, publicist Josie French of Lewiston, and stage manager Noah Keneborus of Turner. THE MOUSETRAP is a classic murder mystery filled with twists and turns. Set at Monkswell Manor, proprietors Mollie and Giles Ralston (Ashleigh Dunham of Winthrop and Patrick Hamlin of Wales) are welcoming the first guests to their newly established bed and breakfast inn. Even as they hustle and bustle to get ready, a radio announcer intones breaking news about an unexplained murder in the city – obviously a story that has nothing to do with them – or does it? The first guest to arrive is Christopher Wren (Ben Whitestone of Winthrop) , a hyperactive and strange young man who seems to be on the run. He is soon followed by Mrs. Boyle (Ginger Smith of Winthrop), an elderly sourpuss who can’t be pleased; Major Metcalf (Andy Tolman of Readfield), a retired army officer; Miss Casewell (Savannah Leavitt of Buckfield), an aloof young woman with a tragic past; Mr. Paravicini (Shane Stevens of Turner), a passer-by stranded in a snow storm; and Detective Sergeant Trotter (Meredith Stevens of Turner), a detective seeking information. When all the principals are settled in, the mystery gains momentum as the lights fade and the first victim departs this mortal plane. But why? And who committed the murder? Clues that don’t seem to make sense begin to pile up. Little by little, the residents of Monkswell Manor start to realize that any one of them just might be next, $14/adult, $12/seniors and students, Monmouth Theatre, 796 Main Street, Monmouth. FMI: 207-370-9566, monmouthcommunityplayers.org.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 9am-2pm, “UMF Annual Arts & Crafts Show,” more than 75 crafters, artists, cottage industries and entrepreneurs will display their creative works at this open-to-the-public sale. All items are handcrafted with a focus on locally-produced products. Natural, organic and homemade foods include spices, honey, maple syrup, canned goods, candy and holiday baked goods and decorations. One-of-a-kind items feature locally-grown knitwear, handmade items, quilted articles and baby clothes. Unique arts & crafts gifts include stained glass, photography, jewelry, basketry, hand weaving, metal working, wood products and much more, free, Student Center, UMF, 111 South Street, Farmington. FMI: 207-778-7344, sunjournal.com.

Nov. 2-3, Saturday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Sat, 2pm/Sun, “An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving,” An Old Fashion Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott. Presented by Open Book Players in the style of readers theater, $5-$8, Johnson Hall, 280 Water Street, Gardiner. FMI: 207-582-7144, johnsonhall.org.

Nov. 2, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Bach All Night,” directed by Eric Christopher Perry, the choirs at Colby present their annual choral showcase featuring choral/orchestral works by Western classical music’s epitome of “Energy/Exhaustion,” Johann Sebastian Bach. The program will consist of the triumphant Magnificat in D and the jubilant solo cantata BWV 51: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, and will feature Colby’s new voice associate Nacole Palmer, soprano, along with professional soloists, student soloists, and a period-instrument orchestra. Shuttle service will be available from the Eustis parking lot beginning at 7pm and immediately after the performance, free, Colby College, Lorimer Chapel, Waterville. FMI: 207-859-5670, www.colby.edu.

Nov. 4, Monday, 8:15pm, “Delco Ray,” In 1997, Bob Colwell and some friends got together to play a low-key weekly gig in downtown Hallowell. The idea was to play “back porch style” acoustic arrangements from each member’s repertoire in a relaxes atmosphere. After some early shuffling, the lineup solidified in Bob (Boneheads) on mandolin and guitar, Paul D’Alessio (Primo Cubano) on fiddle and guitar. Paul Thibeault (Sacred Onion, All Night Rascals) on guitar, and Justin Maxwell (The Coming Grass, Maine dead Project) on bass, $15-$20, Slates Restaurant, 161-165 Water Street, Hallowell. FMI: 207-622-9575, slatesrestaurant.com.

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