Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 10-16

“Bradley Jazz Collective,” Arts Center, Denmark

Oct. 11, Friday, 8pm, “Peter Mulvey and Catie Curtis,” Peter Mulvey is a veteran singer and songwriter for Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He began his career on the streets of Dublin, Ireland, as a busker, and from there moved on to performing in the subways and streets of Boston Massachusetts. This led to his first record deal and a leap to full-time national and international touring, beginning in the early Ninieties. Mulvey is an iconoclast within the singer/songwriter world. Restless and inventive, he has made seventeen records, spanning rock and roll, folk, Jazz, spoken word, and Americana. Catie Curtis’ list of accomplishments spans 14 albums, songs featured on TV shows “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Dawson’s Creek,” and “Felicity”; and movies like “Finding Graceland” and “A Slipping Down Life”. For over 25 years, she has been a perennially popular headliner, appearing at Lilith Fair, Carnegie Hall, performing arts centers, concert halls, folk clubs, music festivals and the White House. She was even dubbed a “folk rock goddess” by The New Yorker, $20pp+$/handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.

Oct. 12, Saturday, 10am-4:30pm, “Harvest Festival,” join Shaker Village for our end-of-season Fall Harvest Festival! Freshly-picked apples from the historic Shaker orchards will be offered for sale along with free cider-pressing (of apples purchased here), homemade Shaker doughnuts, and much more! Chipman’s Farm, neighbors to the Shakers since the 1790s, will have a bounty available for sale. Seasonal mums, other late-season “bloomers” and houseplants will be available from Donna’s Greenhouse., free, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-4597, www.maineshakers.com.

Oct. 12, Saturday, 11am-4pm, “Fall Festival and Barn Dance at Norlands,” ongoing activities include horse-drawn wagon rides, tours of the 1867 Washburn family mansion, blacksmithing demonstrations, lessons of the past in the one-room schoolhouse, harvest cooking and living history in the farmer’s cottage. Children’s games on the front lawn and a craft activity takes place in the Washburn kitchen from 11am – 1pm. Kids and adults can participate in a special Washburn-inspired pumpkin scavenger hunt and search for the twelve pumpkins hidden around the grounds. Match the pumpkins with the correct Washburn family members for a chance to win a treat. Mercy Lovejoy, a pauper who lived on the Town Farm (poor house) in the 1800s, will tell coffin-themed stories in the Washburn kitchen from 1:30pm to 3pm. Mercy, born in Livermore in 1785, is humorously portrayed by Willi Irish, Norlands’ director of interpretation and training. She will share stories about cursed ponds and missing coffins – fitting spooky tales for the upcoming Halloween season. New this year is a Barn Dance, to be held from 3pm to 5pm in Norlands’ newly constructed barn. Music for the dance is being donated by Paul Harnden and friends on keyboard, drums, and other instruments. Refreshments will be available. The dance is included with the price of admission to Fall Festival; otherwise it’s by donation ($5 suggested). People are welcome to attend only the dance. All proceeds benefit Norlands’ programs. Bring a picnic lunch, stay the day and enjoy the beautiful grounds and autumnal colors. Warm up with a cup of soup or a piece of apple cake in the farmer’s cottage, for a donation and while supplies last, $10, $6/12 and under, $25/family rate, Washburn-Norlands Living History Center, 290 Norlands Road, Livermore. FMI: 207-897-4366, norlands.org.

Oct. 12, Saturday, 1pm, “Met Opera Live in HD: Turandot,” Met Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin conducts Franco Zeffirelli’s celebrated production of Turandot, which stars Christine Goerke in the title role of the icy Chinese princess who has renounced all men. Yusif Eyvazov sings Calàf, the suitor who risks his head for her hand and sings the famed aria “Nessun dorma.” Eleonora Buratto is the slave girl Liù, and James Morris is Calàf’s long-lost father, Timur. Local opera enthusiast Joe De Vito will be continuing his Opera Lecture Series on Thursday, October 10th at 3:00 pm in the LHE/PAC Seminar Room (free admission), $26/adults, $23/seniors, $18/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Fryeburg Academy, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.

Oct. 12, Saturday, 7pm, “Bradley Jazz Collective,” the group performs creative interpretations of jazz classics as well as original music inspired by the rich tradition of small-group jazz. Bradley Jazz Collective is made up of Mike Sakash on saxophone, Jed Wilson on piano, Al Hospers on bass and Craig Bryan on drums and Mimi Rohlfing on vocals. They will play jazz standards from the 1950s and 1960s, including the music of Thelonius Monk, Charles Lloyd, Herbie Hancock, Joseph Kosma, Charlie Parker and George Gershwin. The program will be diverse; ballads, bossa nova and exciting up-tempo swing, $15/adults, $12/seniors, $8/under 18, $35/2 adults+children, Denmark Arts Center, 50 West Main Street, Denmark. FMI: 207-452-2412, www.denmarkarts.org.

Oct. 13, Sunday, 11:30am, “Waterford Fall Foliage 5k Race and One Mile Fun Run,” 5 k road race and one mile fun run for the younger runners…scholarship fund raiser Out and back starting at Waterford Commons on Oct 13 Fun run starts at 11:30 and 5 k starts at 12:00 Chili cook-off after the race Prizes awarded…long sleeve race shirts available, $20/pre-register, $25/race day, Waterford Flats, Waterford Road, Waterford. FMI: 207-595-5909, Waterfordfall5k.com.

Oct. 15, Tuesday, 7pm, “Musical Meditations by Heather Pierson,” Heather Pierson has been sharing her music with New England for many years. She has a strong following of loyal fans who have been entranced by her spirit, diversity, and innate talent. There is a plateau that musician’s travel through when they transition from replication, playing music created by others, to creation, writing one’s own music, and at long last into the final frontier, improvisation. Bringing everything you’ve learned as a musician, in the unique style that is all your own, and allowing it to flow in real time. Heather has brought her instrumental voice to The HAYLOFT, played out on a beautiful Steinway grand piano, in a series of quiet, calming, and free-flowing meditational sessions. An hour of music in a comfortable setting, created just for that moment. “Her hands float on and above the piano keys with the ease of a longtime player; it’s as if it’s as second nature as breathing,” $10, The Hayloft at Dragonfly Barn, 95 Sanborns Grove Road, Bridgton. FMI: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4258001?fbclid=IwAR3EcAIEBYqHxPVQHGUDSznt0zrKSi6ROymw1LCPkyahFPbQwvb25I8je_U.

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