Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 1-7

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 1-7

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 1-7
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 1-7

“Invasive Plant Patrol-Plant Paddle,” Great Moose Lake, Hartland

Aug. 1, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Organ Concert: Andrew Scanlon,” Andrew Scanlon from Greenville, North Carolina. Scanlon is performing music of Georg Böhm, Jean Langlais, and Henry Smart.  A native of Methuen, Massachusetts, ANDREW SCANLON has been a professor in the keyboard faculty at East Carolina University since 2009, where he directs the graduate and undergraduate programs in organ and sacred music. In addition, he is the organist & choirmaster at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Greenville, NC and artistic director of East Carolina Musical Arts Education Foundation, donations appreciated, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-6941, stpaulbangor.me.
Aug. 2-3, Friday-Saturday, 10am-4pm, “10th Annual Open House at Historic Woolen Mill,” this iconic Maine business will open its doors for two days of guided narrated tours of its historic mill in which the last remaining spinning mule operates. From purchasing wool to selling its products, Bartlettyarns is known worldwide for its famous yarns, rovings and knitwear. Please wear shoes. Children must be with an adult. Tours start on the hour, but when it gets busy, they start on the half hour. If you have a group of more than 8, please let us know so that we can plan for everyone, Woolen Mill, 20 Water Street, Harmony. FMI: 207-683-2251, www.bartlettyarns.com.
Aug. 3, Saturday, 7:30am, “Homecoming Weekend,” the United Methodist Church of Dover-Foxcroft will celebrate annual Homecoming weekend. The day will start with coffee and donuts followed by a yard sale, bake sale and craft table. Food includes lobster rolls, hot dogs, sloppy Joe’s, ice cream floats and sundaes. In case of rain, the event will move inside the church, United Methodist Church, 156 E Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft. FMI: 207-564-8055, www.bangordailynews.com.
Aug. 3, Saturday, 9am-12pm, “Invasive Plant Patrol-Plant Paddle,” Pre-registration is REQUIRED @ www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/invasive-plant-patrol-workshops/plant-paddle-registration/. The Plant Paddle is a 3-hour guided exploration that takes place on shore and on the water. This is a fun, informal way to learn about Maine’s native aquatic plants, as well as the invasive aquatic plants that threaten these beautiful and ecologically-important habitats. Participants will each receive a free “Quick Key to Ruling Out Maine’s Eleven Most Unwanted Invasive Aquatic Plants,” and will the practice skills needed to spot suspicious plants while out recreating on the water, free, Great Moose Lake, 309 Cianchette Road, Hartland. FMI: 207-783-7733, www.lakestewardsofmaine.org.
Aug. 3, Saturday, 10am, “Insect Field Day,” learn more about the insects found at Walden-Parke by exploring, collecting and identifying with this knowledgeable group. Participants should bring collecting equipment (small containers, nets, hand lenses) as well as boots for walking in wet areas, sunscreen, and nets or spray for the sometimes troublesome mosquitoes. Ticks are present in the area as well. Bring a bag lunch and stay all day. There are no public restrooms available at the preserve, please RSVP, free, Walden-Parke Preserve, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-1010, www.bangorlandtrust.org.
Aug. 3, Saturday, 5-6pm, “Baked Bean Supper,” the menu will include baked beans, casseroles, salads, biscuits, beverage and pie. The cost is $8 for ages 12 to adult, $4 for ages 5 through 12 and free for children under 5, Orland United Methodist Church, Narramissic Drive, Orland. FMI: 207-702-1255, www.facebook.com/Orland-United-Methodist-Church-1483757191877606/.
Aug. 4, 2pm, “Female Dixieland Band-Six Basin Street,” six Basin Street, the all-female Dixieland band will perform outdoors at Ecotat Gardens and Trails, Old Town’s only all woman Dixieland Jazz Band that plays music for the purpose of having fun and entertaining others. The band’s name comes from a tune in the original 1991 play list, Basin Street Blues, which has remained a favorite through the various versions of the band, Ecotat Gardens, 25 Annis Road, Hermon. FMI: ecotat.org.

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