Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 13-19

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 13-19

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 13-19
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 13-19

“Spring Run at the Maine Forest and Logging Museum,” Bradley

June 13-16 and 19, Thursday-Sunday and Wednesday, 7pm/Thurs, Fri. and Wed, 5pm/Sat, 3pm/Sun, “Mamma Mia,” As wedding festivities commence on an idyllic Greek island, a young bride-to-be schemes to discover the identity of her father from among three men from her mother’s past. The story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless popular songs propel this delightful story of love, laughter and friendship to an irresistible finale celebration that’ll have you dancing in the aisles, see site for ticketing details, Penobscot Theater, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
June 14, Friday, 1:30-3:30, “Tour of Quill’s End Farm,” the farm tour is free, family-friendly and open to the public. Along with the tour, there will be hands-on guided activity opportunities such as making homemade butter and ice cream. Bring your kids for a special tour of the baby animals on the farm including chicks, kids and calves. Presented by Blue Hill Heritage Trust, registration required, free, Quill’s End Farm, free, Quill’s End Farm, 165 Front Ridge Road, Penobscot. FMI: 207-374-5118, bluehillheritagetrust.org.
June 15, Saturday, 6-12pm, “Artsapalooza 2019,” a festival of the arts, featuring local musicians, theater productions, visual and participatory art experiences, Downtown, 12 Mill Street, Orono. FMI: stillwatercommunityarts.org.
June 15, Saturday, 8am-4pm, “Spring Run at the Maine Forest and Logging Museum,” reminisce, see some axes swinging and have some bean hole beans! “Spring Run” has lots of moving parts for the day. The day starts at 8:00 with the 4th Annual Blackman Stream Alewife Cross Country Run. We’re trying a new route this year on the museum grounds. Not every race crosses a covered bridge! Pre-register on our website or sign up the morning of the race. Free shirts for the first 50 registered. The rest of the event gets in full swing at 10:00. The Axe Women Loggers of Maine will show their stuff–just how fast can they swing an axe? The all female timber-sports athletes are world champion choppers, sawyers and axe throwers. They will be demonstrating throughout the day. It takes about 4 hours to get up steam in the original version of Lombard’s loghauler, but the gas-powered one just has a key to turn. A great opportunity to see two of the machines that revolutionized logging in the Maine woods fully restored and being driven once again. Sawmills and more..lots to see in operation and a great place to have a dish of bean hole beans with a biscuit, Maine Forest and Logging Museum, 262 Government Road, Rte. 178, Bradley. FMI: 207-974-6278, www.maineforestandloggingmuseum.org.
June 15, Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Skyliners,” this 13-piece Big Band performs dance music in the tradition of Glen Miller and Count Basie. Your favorite arrangements from the 40s and 50s as well as swing, jazz, pop, waltz, and Latin numbers. Beer and wine available for purchase for those 21+, $10, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
June 15, Saturday, 7:45pm, “Full Moon Paddle,” experience the sound and shadows of the evening, and watch the moon beams of the Full Moon (Strawberry Moon) dance on Pushaw Stream, June’s Full Moon is named after the wild strawberries that start to ripen during this month. According to some sources, a European name for this early summer month was Rose Moon, and another was Hot Moon, for the beginning of the summer heat. Other sources quote Mead Moon as the Anglo-Saxon name because this was the time for mowing the meads, or meadows. Hirundo provides the canoes, paddles, and life jackets. We utilize our large 28′ canoes as well as small canoes. All ages are welcome. Cost: Pricing for the Full Moon Paddles is tiered. Purchase a basic ticket and cover the cost of the program, update to additional amounts and support Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, $8/$12/$15 for adults, $5/children, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Gate 3, 35 Hudson Road, Alton. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org .
June 19, Wednesday, 7pm, “October Gold,” an acoustic alt-folk duo based out of Montreal, is the latest collaboration of singer/songwriter Kit Soden and his partner in music (and life), violinist Aliza Thibodeau. Since 2010, October Gold has been quietly captivating audiences across North America and Europe. The release of their first album, “Into the Silence,” showed the depth of sound the duo had developed in such a short period of time. Aside from the noticeable chemistry between these two emerging artists, October Gold has managed to bring together a collection of brilliant musicians during the recording of their albums, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.

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