Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 25-31

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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 25-31

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 25-31
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 25-31

“Frogtown Mountain Puppet Show: The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow,”  Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary, Brunswick

Oct. 25, Thursday, 3pm and 7pm, “Eighth Grade,” thirteen-year-old Kayla endures the tidal wave of contemporary suburban adolescence as she makes her way through the last week of middle school the end of her thus far disastrous eighth grade year before she begins high school, $7, Frontier Theater, 14 Maine Street, Mill 3, Fort Andross, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-5222, www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3613964?ref=349591.
Oct. 25-28, Thursday-Sunday, 6:30pm, 7pm and 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat, 3pm/Sun, “Ghosts of Freeport’s Past Tours,” The Freeport Historical Society and Freeport Players invite you to join them in the Woodlawn Cemetery on West Street, Freeport, as they bring you the ghostly voices of Freeport Blacksmiths and Storekeepers at the annual cemetery tour. Walk among the graves and learn about our ancestors from the 19th century. All apparitions will be portrayed by actors from the Freeport Players, in period costume, who will materialize and share stories from their mortal state. This event is historical, not scary, and is appropriate for school-aged children. On Sunday, October 28, at 3:30 pm, a special tour will be presented indoors at the First Parish Congregational Church, 40 Main St, Freeport. If it rains, the evening tours will also move inside to the Congregational Church, with one presentation at 7 pm; ticket-holders will be contacted. Please dress for the weather and for a walk-about in a cemetery. Evening tours will only adjourn to the First Parish Congregational Church if the weather is very bad. Tours are limited to about 15 participants each, so reservations are recommended, $12/general, $10/members, $5/12 and under, Woodlawn Cemetery, West Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-865-3170, fcponline.org.
Oct. 26-27, Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Crucible,” by Arthur Miller tells the story of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690’s and is an allegory to the McCarthyism of the 1950’s, presented by The Midcoast Actors’ Studio, see site for ticketing details, The Crosby Center, 96 Church Street, Belfast. FMI: 207-370-7592, midcoastactors.org.
Oct. 27-28, Saturday-Sunday, 10am-5pm/Sat, 10am-4pm/Sun, “3rd Annual Brunswick Fine Craft Show,” the show will offer works of excellence in fine craft, designed and handmade by professional Maine artisans. Over 30 artisans will travel from around the state to exhibit, with several local to the Brunswick area including; Tom Dahlke (furniture), Bonnie Bishoff and J.M. Syron, Maggie Bokor, Lisa and Scott Cylinder, and Anita Roelz (jewelry), Emi Ito and Amy Smith (woven fashion) and Catherine Worthington (textile art). The Maine Crafts Guild is a statewide organization, established in 1975. Members are selected through a jury-of-peers process and are comprised of journeymen, nationally recognized masters and founding members who dedicate themselves to excellence in fine craft. Saturday, October 27: 10am – 5pm Sunday, October 28: 10am – 4pm Admission: $4 adults; under 18 free The Brunswick Fine Craft Show will bring buyers and artists together for unique shopping experiences in wood, metal, clay, natural fibers and mixed media, $4, Front Andross Mill Complex, 14 Maine Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-266-3741, mainecraftsguild.com.
Oct. 27, Saturday, 2pm and 5pm, “Frogtown Mountain Puppet Show,” The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow! In this comedic version of the classic Washington Irving tale, schoolteacher Ichabod Crane helps the Headless Horseman find a new head and a spookier image. Meanwhile, a jealous Brom Bones tries to run Ichabod out of town as they both vie for the affection of Katrina Van Tassel. Two showings will be available; the first showing is at 2pm and the second show is at 5 pm. “Meet the Puppets” at Cool as A Moose before the 5 pm show. The puppets will be at Cool as A Moose from 3:45 to 4:15. It is a great opportunity to say hi, learn how the puppets work, and decide if your kids would enjoy the show! You do not want to miss this show. It is fun for kids and even the adults too! Come dressed in your Halloween costume, $6, Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary, 44 McKeen Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-319-1960, www.frogtownpuppets.com.
Oct. 27, Saturday, 7:30pm, “David Dodson’s 30th Fall Concert,” Once again David takes to the stage with his amazing guitar and collection of original tunes in folk, rock, jazz and traditional acoustic styles. This year’s line-up of guest performers includes The Gawler Family, two generations of the smiling Gawler clan, featuring six singers, fiddles, banjos, cello and guitar. They bring an infectious joy to their traditional acoustic music and will also be playing on two Dodson songs. New this year – MoJO, Camden’s 20-piece big band. Nothing compares with the sound of a shining wall of horns. David gets the thrill of singing two of his own compositions with this dedicated group. Frank Sinatra look out! Returning favorites – friends and relatives Anne Dodson, Matt Szostak, J.R. Braugh, Will Brown and Dean Stevens. The Lowdown (the house band) with David, John and Rachel Nicholas and Michael Nickerson will be joined by North Carolina friend Dave Magill on keyboard. The Lowdown plays original tunes by David and by John, songs about old friends, changing the world, love, and the boss of the Mafia’s fruit and vegetable department. And what show would be complete without a song by Mousie, Hollywood’s giant singing mouse? Internationally acclaimed dancer Molly Gawler and the dashing rock ‘n’ roll rodent will be unveiling some fancy footwork and dancing up a storm, $15, $12/advance, $8/12 and under, Camden Opera House, 29 Elm Street, Camden. FMI: 207-236-7963, www.camdenoperahouse.com.
Oct. 28, Sunday, 2-5pm, “Birding on the Bay,” enjoy an afternoon cruise on the Kennebec River into one of Maine’s premier birding locations, Merrymeeting Bay, an inland, freshwater river delta encompassing 9,600 acres of wetland habitat. Join Doug Suitor from the Merrymeeting chapter of Maine Audubon as he helps spot and shares information about species sighted. Likely sightings may include eagles, buffleheads, greater yellow legs, Hudsonian Godwit and migrating waterfowl, $6-$47, Maine Maritime Museum, 243 Washington Street, Bath. FMI: 207-443-1316, www.mainemaritimemuseum.org.

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