25th Annual Antique & Classic Boat & Car Show

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 2-8
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 2-8
August 1, 2018
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 9-15
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 9-15
August 8, 2018

25th Annual Antique & Classic Boat & Car Show

25th Annual Antique & Classic Boat & Car Show
25th Annual Antique & Classic Boat & Car Show

On Saturday, August 11, the Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club of Maine will proudly host their 25th Annual Antique and Classic Boat and Car show on Long Lake in Naples. The show is a much-anticipated summertime event, and has lots to offer for boating enthusiasts, drawing crowds from all over Northern New England. The club, established in 1993 as a chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society, had humble beginnings; their first show included a single rope tied to the Naples Town Dock with only a few boats on display, all of which belonged to the group of friends who started the club. Over time, the show gained popularity and continues to grow steadily today. Last year it featured 32 boats in addition to the diverse collection of antique automobiles that line the Causeway.
But Saturday’s show isn’t the only thing that the Mountainview Woodies have lined up for their 25th anniversary. The week leading up to the pinnacle event is full of festive opportunities for eager boaters. On Tuesday, August 7, the club will offer boat rides for campers from Camp Sunshine, a camp located in Casco that serves children with life-threatening illnesses. Campers will be able to ride across Brandy Pond, through the Songo Locks, and into Sebago. This community outreach event has proven to been a major hit for campers and generous boat owners alike.
A new event for antique boaters this year is a guided cruise across the breathtaking Kezar Lake on Wednesday, August 8. The tour will be led by Steve and Libby Bender and will include a stop for lunch (RSVP required). Boats can be launched at the Kezar Lake Marina in Lovell.
Another tour will take place on Thursday, August 9, on Sebago Lake. Boaters will meet on Brandy Pond at 10:30 AM before passing through the Songo Locks with time to explore Sebago and the Dingley Island–all before lunch at Migis Lodge.
The arrival parade in anticipation of Saturday’s show will begin promptly at 7:30 on Friday evening, after an Amphicar water-launching demonstration (5:30-7:15 PM at the Causeway Marina). The parade will kick off on Brandy Pond, pass under the Causeway bridge, travel along the Causeway before looping twice around the town dock where the boats will tie up for Saturday’s show. Boat owners will be available immediately following the parade to talk with spectators and give rides. If you’re lucky, you may even get to ride in an Amphicar!
Saturday’s classic boat and automobile show will take place from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM–admission is free! Check out the show tent on the dock for merchandise and a Camp Sunshine raffle fundraiser, grab something to eat at one of the Causeway’s many restaurants, and enjoy this spectacular once-a-year event!

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