Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1
July 25, 2018
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1
July 25, 2018

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 26-Aug.1

“Saturday Night Fever,” Maine State Music Theater, Brunswick

July 26, Thursday, 11am-7pm, “Annual Juried Maine Crafts Show,” held in the historic garden and barn at Nickels-Sortwell House, this show features some of Maine’s most talented and unique crafters, tours of the Nickels-Sortwell House will be offered on the half hour from 11am-5pm, refreshments will be available for purchase, free/crafts show, $8/tour adults, $7/tour seniors, $4/tour students, Nickels-Sortwell House, 121 Main Street, Wiscasset. FMI: www.HistoricNewEngland.org.
July 26-27, Thursday-Friday, 6pm, “Twelfth Night,” Orsino loves Olivia. Olivia loves Cesario. Cesario’s really a woman disguised as a man who’s fallen for her boss, Orsino. Love, and a little mischief, throws everyone for a loop in this comic jaunt of misdirected desire. Where music is the food of love, and nobody is quite what they seem, anything proves possible, $25, Camden Public Library, Amphitheatre, Atlantic Avenue, Camden. FMI: 207-236-3440, www.librarycamden.org.
July 26-29, 30 and Aug. 1, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 2pm/Thurs, Sun and Tues, 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat and Tues.-Wed, “Saturday Night Fever,” based on the 1977 blockbuster film, Saturday Night Fever whisks you back to the 1970s, where open shirts, bell-bottoms, and disco were all the rage. Tony Manero, a talented street-wise kid from Brooklyn, yearns of escaping his dead-end job and becoming a “disco king” at the local club. He meets a young lady who can help him achieve his dance dreams, but will she accept his advances and help him change his world? Packed with legendary hits from the Bee Gees including: “Stayin’ Alive,” “You Should Be Dancing,” “How Deep Is Your Love,” and many more, Saturday Night Fever sizzles with a compelling story and explosive dance. Based on the Paramount/RSO Film and the story by NIK COHN | Adapted for the stage by ROBERT STIGWOOD in collaboration with BILL OAKS | North American version written by SEAN CERCONE & DAVID ABBINANTI | Featuring songs by THE BEE GEES, see site for ticketing details, Maine State Theater, 22 Elm Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-8769, msmt.org.
July 27-29, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sun, “One Act Comedy Showcase,” this year’s showcase features quirky comedies by five Maine playwrights (and one Californian), including two that premiered at the Mane Playwrights Festival. We are pleased to offer you: “A Snowball’s Chance In Hell” by Chelsea Cook, “The Afterlife Transit Office” by Megan Tripald, “My Scale is Lying to Me” by Scott Mullen, “Off The Bridal Path” by Elizabeth Guffey, “Hush Money” by Michael Tooher, and “Elwood’s Last Job” by Elaine Ford, $12-$15, Freeport Performing Arts Center, 30 Holbrook Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-865-2220, fcponline.org.
July 27, Friday, 7pm, “Maine Pops Concert Band,” formerly known as the Italian Heritage Center Concert Band this group has over 80 active members ranging in ae from high school students to retirees. They play a diverse selection of music including pop and show tunes, big band jazz, patriotic favorites, symphonic melodies and marches by American masters, free, Gazebo, by the Patten Free Library, 33 Summer Street, Bath. FMI: 207-442-7291, visitbath.com.
July 27, Friday, 8:30pm, “Flute and Strings,” Tara Helen O’Connor is a charismatic performer noted for her artistic depth, brilliant technique and colorful tone spanning every musical era. Our string quartet for this concert of music for flute and strings, Geoff, Livia, Nathan and Christopher all have diverse international careers and individually attract expansive acclaim from critics and audiences alike, $35/adult, $10/under age 25, Union Hall, 24 Central Street, Rockport. FMI: 207-236-2823, baychamberconcerts.org.
July 28, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Darrow,” John Burstein revives the role of Clarence Darrow for 2 performances only, as the widely acclaimed “Darrow” returns to the mid-coast this July! Peppered with salty humor, courtroom gusto and human relish, John Burstein’s portrayal of the colorful attorney who successfully argued such high-profile cases as the Scopes “Monkey” trial is riveting and highly entertaining. Although Darrow’s career spanned the early decades of the 20th century, the issues he dealt with: racial prejudice, income inequality, religious intolerance and worker exploitation will resonate strongly with modern audiences. As Darrow put it, “I fight for the poor, the weak and the weary. For that long line of men, who in darkness and despair have borne the labors of the human race,” $20, Camden Opera House, 29 Elm Street, Camden. FMI: 207-236-3154, www.camdenoperahouse.com.

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