Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18
July 11, 2018
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18
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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine July 12-18

“Learn to Identify Invasive Plants,” Butler Head Preserve, Bath

July 12-14, Thursday-Saturday, 2pm/Thurs. and Fri, 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat, “Beauty and the Beast,” this timeless family favorite tells the story of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. All of the fanciful characters, such as a talking tightly wound clock, adorable tea cup, and a kindhearted candelabra, are trapped in this spellbound form until the beast, can learn to love and have his love returned. This “tale as old as time,” reminds us to look beyond one’s exterior and find the beauty from within, $55-$85, Maine State Music Theatre, 1 Bath Road, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-8769, www.msmt.org.
July 12, Thursday, 7:30pm, “DaPonte String Quartet: ‘Summer Goulash’,” the program has a Hungarian flavor, as the Quartet continue their year-long exploration of the works of Bela Bartok, with a performance of the Hungarian composer’s String Quartet No. 3, Sz. 85, a work strongly influenced by the folk music Bartok collected obsessively. Other works on the program include Brahms’s String Quartet No. 3 in B flat Major Op. 67—his last quartet, a bright, sunny and perfectly crafted work; and Franz Haydn’s String Quartet in C Major Op.20 No.2, one of the works that led him to be dubbed the “father of the string quartet,” $30/door, $27/on-line, Unitarian Universalist Church, 15 Pleasant Street, Brunswick. FMI: www.daponte.org.
July 12-15, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat, 2pm/Sun, “SIX: a one-act comedy showcase,” Freeport Players presents SIX, a collection of one-act comedies by five Maine playwrights and one Californian. These quirky gems take you to hell’s HR department, the afterlife, and a few earthly locations in between. Included in the collection: “The Afterlife Transition Office” by Megan Tripaldi, “Elwood’s Last Job” by Elaine Ford, “My Scale Is Lying To Me” by Scott Mullen, “Off The Bridal Path” by Elizabeth Guffey, “A Snowball’s Chance in Hell” by Chelsea Cook, and “Hush Money” by Michael Tooher, $12/advance, $15/door, Freeport Performing Arts Center, 30 Holbrook Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-865-2220, www.fcponline.org/SIX.htm.
July 13, Friday, 8:30pm, “Out of Doors,” Bay Chamber Concerts presents: With impressive concert track-records in the United States and around the globe, pianist Gilles Vonsattel and oboist James Austin Smith perform a recital that basks in sunshine with pieces by CARL NIELSEN, BRITTEN, POULENC, FREDERIC RZEWSKI and BARTÓK’s Out of Doors, $35, $10/under age 25, Union Hall Theatre, 2 Central Street, Rockport. FMI: 207-236-2823, www.baychamberconcerts.org.
July 14, Saturday, 10am, “Learn to Identify Invasive Plants at KELT Workshop,” KELT and the Androscoggin Valley Soil and Water Conservation District are partnering to hold three free educational workshops focused on invasive plant management. These programs will provide residents and property managers across the region with information to support identifying, managing and eradicating the harmful plants. The first program is July 14th at 10am. Join Cheri Brunault at Butler Head Preserve in Bath for an introduction to invasive plant identification. Cheri will introduce participants to a number of invasive plants that can be found in local forests and fields. She will also share information about some of the methods KELT is using to manage these plants, free, Butler Head Preserve, Butler’s Cove Road, Bath. FMI: 207-442-8400, www.kennebecestuary.org.
July 14-15, Saturday-Sunday, 11am/events begin, “25th Annual North Atlantic Blues Festival,” see Blues music performers from all over the US. Outdoors with back drop of the ocean. Craft and food vendors. Saturday night the Main St is closed to traffic for the Club Crawl. 5 bands playing on the street, many bars and restaurants also have musicians, $30-$75, Downtown, Rockland. FMI: 207-691-2248, www.northatlanticbluesfestival.com.
July 16, Monday, 7:30pm, “Opera Maine presents Three Decembers,” set in the Decembers of 1986, 1996, and 2006, this 90-minute opera tells the story of a famous stage actress, Madeline Mitchell, and her two adult children, Beatrice and Charlie, as they struggle to know and love one another. Says the University of Pittsburgh OCC: “It is the universal story about the family we wish for and the family we wind up with,” $14-$22, Camden Opera House, 29 Elm Street, Camden. FMI: 207-236-7963, www.camdenoperahouse.com.

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