Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 17-23

“Follow the Alewives,”  Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Old Town

May 17, Thursday, 6pm, “Jazz Night with Swingmatism,” featuring Jay Bregman, saxophone, Dan Barrett, trombone, Bob Roman, bass, David Clarke, guitar, Lincoln Blake, keyboard and Mike Bennett, drums, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bpl.lib.me.us.
May 18, Friday, 7pm, “New Renaissance Singers Spring Choral Concert,” this year our Director, Molly Webster, has put together a program filled with old favorites and beautiful contemporary pieces that will shine a little hope in your day, including the gospel works “Unclouded Day”, arranged by Shawn Kirchner, and “The Storm is Passing Over”, arranged by Barbara W. Baker. They’ll be revisiting old favorites, “Omnia Sol” by Z. Randall Stroope and “Hope is the Thing With Feathers” by Kenney Potter (based on the poem by Emily Dickinson). Rounding out the mix will be pieces from Bob Chilcott, Moses Hogan, Steven Foster, Gerald Finzi and even U2. The group will be raffling off another basket of fabulous local items, gifts and assorted goodies, and the concert will be followed by an ice cream social, $10, First Congregational Church of Brewer, 35 Church Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7350, www.firstcongregationalbrewer.org.
May 18, Friday, 8pm, “Bangor Contradance,” with music by John Pranio and Toki Oshima and with Maggie Robinson calling. Beginners’ session at 7:30pm, dance at 8pm, $8, $4/6-12, Unitarian Universalist Church, 120 Park Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-9727, bangorcontra.org.
May 19, Saturday, 10am, “Follow the Alewives,” Follow the alewives by canoe on their way to their spawning ground – Pushaw Lake. We will stop at Pushaw Dam to watch alewives find their way past the damn. Canoes, paddles and life jackets are available, register in advance, $10/adults, $5/children, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, 1107 West Old Town Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
May 19-20, Friday-Saturday, 1pm/Sat, 12:30pm and 4:30pm/Sun, “Morita’s School of Dance 50th Anniversary,” children 3 years through adults will be performing. The production will feature the Stars Dance Team, ages 6-21 years old, who recently competed at Turn It Up Dance Challenge in Scarborough and Elite Dance Challenge in Westbrook. The team brought home many Elite Gold, High Gold and Platinum trophies, along with many high point awards and judges specialty awards. Eleven dancers from Morita’s School of Dance, ages 8-21, also represented the State of Maine at Dance Excellence in Los Angeles, California. The dancers took classes from world renown teachers, performed in Disneyland and competed on the International level, tickets required, Peakes Auditorium, 885 Broadway, Bangor. FMI: 207-848-5083, www.moritasschoolofdance.net.
May 19, Saturday, 7pm, “Spring Dance with Robinson Ballet,” Spring for Dance! will feature ballet and modern works by Artistic Director, Stevie McGary, and choreography from Former Artistic Director, Keith Robinson. as well as Robinson Ballet repertory works, Gracie Theatre, One College Circle, Bangor. FMI: 207-990-3140, robinsonballet.org.
May 20, Sunday, 4pm, “Jazz Singer Alma Thomas,” Noted jazz singer Alma Thomas will sing as part of Alumni Choral Evensong for Day of Pentecost. Several of Robert and Nancy Ludwig’s choristers from their previous churches will participate, including Thomas, who sang as a choir girl at Garden City’s Cathedral of the Incarnation for seven years. Thomas now is a prominent voice in jazz scene in Rio de Janeiro, featured regularly with her Divas in Jazz show at The Blue Note, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 225 French Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-0156, www.stjohnsbangor.org.

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