Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 10-16

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 10-16

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 10-16
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 10-16

“Historic Talk: The 1915 Morrison Hill Station and the Portland-Lewiston Interurban in West Cumberland,”  West Cumberland Hall, West Cumberland

May 10-12 and 16, Thursday-Saturday and Wednesday, 7pm/Thurs. and Wed, 7:30pm/Fri. and Sat, “I Think I Love You: A Romantic Comedy,” When a couple goes from “I Do” to “I’m Done”, the jilted wife (Footlights Favorite, Gretchen Wood) suddenly becomes a very popular prospect for the single men in town. Hilarious efforts to win her heart ensue and the pursuit of “love ever after” is not as easily achieved as one may think. Fast paced, non-stop laughter and some hysterical “visuals” that you won’t soon forget, $18, $15/seniors, pay-what-you-can/Wed. and Thurs, The Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightsinfalmouth.com.
May 11, Friday, 4:30pm, “Maine Mineral & Gem Museum Heritage Awards,” celebrate the sciences and arts integral to its mission: to communicate the significance of minerals in our lives, our planet and beyond, we are pleased to announce that the 2018 Heritage Awardees are Mary Groves and Irving “Dudy” Groves ( 1919 – 2005 ) of Poland Mining Camps, Mary is well known for her hospitality in her role as hostess at the Poland Mining Camps in Poland, ME. Dudy spent over forty years in the mountains of Maine mining at some of the most historical mines including Mt. Apatite and Mt. Mica, these awards are held in collaboration with the New England Mineral Association’s Annual Conference, $30, Sunday River Grand Summit Hotel, 97 Summit Rd., Newry. FMI: 207-824-3036, www.mainemineralmuseum.org.
May 12, Saturday, 10am-12pm, “Spring Artisan Fair,” come meet local artisans, bring the whole family, there will be demonstrations as well as hands-on activities for all ages, you’re sure to find that perfect something for Mother’s Day, either from one of the fantastic vendors or within the shop itself, and if you’re still not sure what to get mom for her special day we have gift certificates, free event, Groundcover, 209 Main St., Bridgton. FMI: 207-803-8551, www.groundcoverme.com.
May 12, Saturday, 10am-2:30pm, “Archery with Bryant Pond 4-H Shooting Sports,” certified archery instructors will have equipment & targets to try your hand at this great family sport. Ages 9 & up will have a chance to shoot a bow, learn basic safety, & practice shooting skills from 10am to 12 noon. A laser rifle range experience will be offered from 12:30-2:30pm. Instructors willreview shot placement using several 3-D targets & cover hunting ethics. Youngsters ages 6 & up will have a chance to learn basic gun handling & shooting skills using the laser rifles, $5.50-$7.50, Maine Wildlife Park, 56 Game Farm Road, Gray. FMI: 207-657-4977, www.maine.gov/ifw/wildlife-park/events.html.
May 12, Saturday, 7pm, “An Evening of Magic and Comedy,” Raymond Arts Alliances presents Randy Judkins, nationally known Comedian, Magician and Entertainer, and John Ulmer, local magician extraordinaire. Light refreshments will be served, $10, Raymond Village Community Church, 27 Main Street, Raymond. FMI: www.raymondvillagelibrary.org/raymond-arts-alliance.
May 12, Saturday, 7pm, “Vivaldi: Gloria,” First Parish Church Choir with accompaniment by chamber orchestra under the direction of Jesse Wakemam, this is a benefit concert with all proceeds going to the Maine Cancer Foundation, enjoy an uplifting musical masterpiece, support a worthy cause, First Parish Congregational Church Gorham, 1 Church St., Gorham. FMI: 207-839-6751, firstparishgorham.org.
May 13, Sunday, 9:30am-3:30pm, “Stone Mountain Mother’s Day Marketplace,” a little fair, a little festival, a little market kind of atmosphere to celebrate Mothers’ Day! There will be something for everyone. Our Halls will be decked out with all kinds of booths full of shopping ideas from crafts to flea market finds repurposed, to Mom themed gifts. And Food! Come for breakfast goodies, a mimosa, lunch, afternoon snacks, shopping and some live music. As always the SMAC girls will be serving up lots of holiday cheer and sustenance. And don’t forget LIVE music with bluegrass favs, Tricky Britches, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
May 15, Tuesday, 6:30pm, “Historic Talk: The 1915 Morrison Hill Station and the Portland-Lewiston Interurban in West Cumberland,” Philip Morse and Donald Curry from the Seashore Trolley Museum will discuss the history, construction and operation of the Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI) and the 1915 Morrison Hill Station in West Cumberland. The Portland-Lewiston Interurban (PLI) operated in West Cumberland and carried 7.3 million passengers between 1914 and 1933. Learn about the construction (1910-1914) of the line, operations between Portland and Lewiston, and Theodore Roosevelt’s 1914 ride from Lewiston to Portland on the high-speed luxury interurban, Narcissus, the only surviving high-speed interurban from the line that exists today. The 1915 waiting station at Morrison Hill was donated to Seashore Trolley Museum by Richard Budd, owner of Budd’s Gulf in West Cumberland. Currently, under restoration at Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, the PLI’s No. 14, Narcissus, has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1980. A number of PLI/Narcissus artifacts will be on display during the event. Morse is the project manager for the Narcissus restoration, and Curry is restoration technician from the Seashore Trolley Museum, free, West Cumberland Hall, 115 Blackstrap Road, Cumberland. FMI: 207-967-2712, trolleymuseum.org.

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