Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 8-14

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine March 15-21
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 8-14

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 8-14
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 8-14

“Willy Wonka, Jr. the Musical,” Windham Center Stage Theater, Windham

Mar. 8, Thursday, 7pm, “Bird Changes in Maine 1900-2017,” Doug Hitchcox, staff naturalist at Maine Audubon, will discuss how Maine’s bird life has changed over the past century, free, Skyline Farm 95 The Lane, North Yarmouth. FMI: 207-829-9203, www.skylinefarm.org.
Mar. 8-10, Thursday-Saturday, 7pm/Thurs, 7:30pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sat, “APELL: The Other Side of the Fence,” a haunting account of a small gathering of Holocaust prisoners “on the other side of the fence”, who tell their stories as they are forced to stand outside for hours, waiting for “roll call” (Appell)… and the unknown. This multi-media play brings the images of the Holocaust to life with brutal honesty… the stories of those who died- and those who survived -must never be forgotten, pay-what-you-can/Thursday, $18, $15/seniors and children, The Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightsinfalmouth.com.
Mar. 8-9, Thursday-Friday, 7:30pm/Thur. and Fri, 10am/Fri, “A Man of No Importance,” in 1964 Dublin, Ireland, bus conductor Alfie Byrne shares his passion for theater by reciting poetry to his passengers, and directing a troupe of players in the basement of St. Imelda’s Catholic Church, the trouble begins when Alfie decides to produce his favorite playwright Oscar Wilde’s scandalous play, Salome, the church simply can’t allow such heathen decadence to be performed, even in the basement, during the course of a tumultuous rehearsal process, Alfie learns that the theatre is not a place to hide from the world, but instead the very place where we may finally discover our true selves, as author Terrance McNally writes, “The small world of the St. Imelda’s Players becomes an enormous one and I would be surprised if you did not find at least a small part of your world in theirs,” indeed, you will see that Alfie Byrne is a man of great importance, $10/students, $16/seniors and alumni, $22/general public, Russell Hall, USM Gorham Campus, 37 College Ave., Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5151, www.maine.edu.
Mar. 9-11, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and 2pm/Sat. and Sun, “WCST presents Willy Wonka Jr,” Windham Center Stage Theater is proud to present Willy Wonka Jr. The delicious adventures experienced by Charlie Bucket on his visit to Willy Wonka’s mysterious chocolate factory light up the stage in this captivating adaptation of Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale. Featuring the enchanting songs from the 1971 film starring Gene Wilder in addition to a host of fun new songs, Willy Wonka Jr. is a scrumdidilyumptious musical guaranteed to delight everyone’s sweet tooth. Our two casts totaling ninety kids can’t wait to perform for you, $10/adults, $8/seniors and students, Windham Center Stage Theater, 8 School Road, Windham Town Hall, Windham. FMI: windhamtheater.org.
Mar. 10, Saturday, 1-3pm, “Tools of the Trade: TLC for your garden tools, old and new,” join together with other garden folks cleaning & sharpening your tools, sharing tips and ideas, there will be refreshments as well as a 25% discount for participants, the day of the event receive 25% off Groundcover’s exclusive hand tool maintenance kits as well as other related garden tools, we will be accepting donations to out towards replacing the materials used the day of the event, contact us for questions or to let us know you’re coming, free, Groundcover, 209 Main St., Bridgton. FMI: 207-803-8551, www.groundcoverme.com.
Mar. 10, Saturday, 7pm, “Susie Pepper & Mixology in Concert,” Music with a Mission is proud to feature Susie Pepper and Mixology for an evening of jazz standards, pop, rock, R&B and classics for all ages, Mixology is a group of seasoned professional musicians who have performed hundreds of gigs covering a huge repertoire of various eras and genres from Elvis to Beyonce. Susie Pepper is well-known throughout Southern Maine as a talented and dynamic vocalist. Susie won the title of Miss Maine in 2009 and was a featured soloist in the Portland Symphony Orchestra’s 2014 and 2017 Magic of Christmas series, Kelly Muse is the bandleader and pianist for the group with over two decades of experience in performing, teaching, composing and arranging. Other members include Dustin LeVasseur on drums and vocals, Mark West on guitar, and Rob Gerry on bass, $12 – $15, North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. FMI: 207-892-7149, www.northwindhamunionchurch.org.
Mar. 11, Sunday, 10am-12pm, “Ski Maine farms,” get outside and explore a Forever Farm with Maine Farmland Trust – come ski with us at Five Fields Farm, rental equipment is available for purchase on-site, we’ll meet in the warming hut right across from the parking area—you can’t miss it, RSVP caroline@mainefarmlandtrust.org, free/members, $5/non-members, Five Fields Farm, 720 South Bridgton Rd., Bridgton. FMI: 207-338-6575, www.mainefarmlandtrust.org.

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