Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 15-21

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 15-21
February 14, 2018
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 22-28
February 21, 2018

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 15-21

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 15-21
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 15-21

“2018 Norway Snowshoe Festival,” Roberts Farm Preserve, Norway

Feb. 16, Friday, 8am, “Denmark Mountain Hikers,” easy hike, Rattlesnake Mountain, Casco, 1,035 feet, bring winter packs, head lamps, snowshoes, microspikes, free, meet at Denmark Congregational Church, East Main Street, Denmark. FMI: 207-756-2247, www.bridgton.com.
Feb. 17, Saturday, 8:30am-7pm, “Otisfield Winter Carnival,” SPURR’S CORNER CHURCH 8:30-9:30Breakfast COMMUNITY HALL10:00-12:30 Carnival games with prize table SNOW SCULPTURE COMPETITION HORSE DRAWN WAGON RIDES11:30-1:00 Lunch Provided by Haggerty Farm TOWN OFFICE 12:30-2:30 Make & Take crafts, cookie decorating Sponsored by the East Otisfield Free Baptist Church 2:00Registration for Cardboard Sled Race 2:30 Cardboard Classic Sled Race COMMUNITY HALL5:00-7:00 Italian theme dinner, free, donations for dinner greatly appreciated and go to the Christmas Winter clothing fund for Otisfield children, Dowtown, Otisfield. FMI: 207-827-7033, www.sunjournal.com.
Feb. 17, Saturday 10am-2pm, “2018 Norway Snowshoe Festival,” Norway, once self-proclaimed as “The Snowshoe Town of America,” was home to four major snowshoe industries between 1850 and 1980. Celebrate this heritage at Western Foothills Land Trust’s annual snowshoe festival, which includes a snowshoe race (2K,5K and 10K races), a Winter Wife Carry, kids games and more, $10, Roberts Farm Preserve, 64 Roberts Road, Norway. FMI: 207-739-2124, wfltmaine.org.
Feb. 17, Saturday, 10am, “Pretty Girls Sing Soprano,” since their inception, Pretty Girls Sing Soprano have quickly turned heads and gained a loyal following with their tight, clever and original harmonies. Ingrid Ayer-Richardson, Susan Mathews and Deana Gurney combine voices to share their love of acoustic and a cappella music on a variety of songs, from bluegrass, folk, traditional to country and rock-n-roll, free, Prince Memorial Library, 266 Main Street, Cumberland. FMI: 207-829-2215, princememorial.org.
Feb. 17, Saturday, 11am-3pm, “Fishing Frenzy,” The Canton Recreation Department is sponsoring this event. It is not a tournament… it is a free family fun event on Lake Anasgunticook (aka Canton Lake). Learn how to Ice Fish during the free fishing weekend. Bring traps or a fishing pole if you have ’em. If not, borrow one from our group. Plan on cold weather and walking on ice. The Canton Volunteer FD will be doing an ice rescue demonstration. There will be sandwiches and soup/chili availabe to purchase from the Rec. Department. No license is needed on Free Fishing Weekend, Canton Beach, Main Street, Canton. FMI: 207-597-2058, lakeanasagunticook.org.
Feb. 18, Sunday, 1pm, “Concert of Poetry,” vocalist, instrumental musicians to present concert of poetry by Richard Blanco set to original music, donations accepted, West Parish Congregational Church, 32 Church Street, Bethel. FMI: 207-824-2689. www.bethelcongregationalchurch.org.
Feb. 20, Tuesday, 9am-12pm, “Winter Ecology Family Fun,” Join the Lakes Environmental Association at the Maine Lake Science Center for a fun-filled morning of exploring winter adaptations and forest ecology indoors and outdoors. We will examine and build snowflakes, identify winter twigs, and discover how our amazing animal friends survive Maine winters! A series of stations set up inside, and opportunities to explore outside, plus story time and hot cocoa! Be prepared to play outside! This event is geared towards families with children ages 3-10. We hope to see you there. Free for LEA members, $5 for non-members ($15 family max). Please email alanna@leamaine.org for more information and to register, Maine Lakes Science Center, 51 Willet Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580, www.mainelakes.org.

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