Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 1-7

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 1-7

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 1-7
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 1-7

“Escanaba in da Moonlight,” Penobscot Theatre, Bangor

Feb. 1, Thursday, 1pm and 7pm, “Acqua Alta,” unique piano concert addresses ocean climate change through a combination of science, art and classical music. Pianist Jenny Q. Chai brings a blend of contemporary and classical music with a message, “It is a mix of old and new works that focuses on global warming and its effects on the Earth’s oceans.” “The performance also includes sound and video installations based on global warming data curated by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Dr. Ian Fenty.” Along with climate data, Ms. Chai projects digital paintings by artists Relja Penezic, all of which are related to water. Piano selections feature works by acclaimed classical and contemporary musicians. These include: Claude Debussy’s “La cathedrale engloutie,” Franz Listzt’s “La lugubre gondola,” Orlando Gibbons’ 1613 composition “Allemande (Italian Ground), Marco Stroppa’s “Ninnananna” from “Miniature Estrose,’ Victoria Jordanova’s “Loveling,” Milica Paranosic’s “Bubble (in trouble)” Gyorgy Kurtag’s “Shadow-play” and a selection from Gyorgy Ligeti’s “Musica Ricercata.” Two additional piano selections were commissioned specifically for this program. The are Theodor Wiprud’s “Face of the Deep,” and Cole Ingraham’s “Entropy (in three parts),” there will be an abbreviated hour-long concert at 1pm and a full-length program at 7pm, $15/matinee, $20/evening, Gracie Theatre, Husson University, One Husson Circle, Bangor. FMI: (207)941-7888, www.gracietheatre.com.
Feb. 1-4 and 7, Thursday-Sunday and Wednesday, 7pm/Thurs, Fri, and Wed, 5pm/Sat, 3pm/Sun, “Escanaba in da Moonlight,” when the Soady clan gathers at the family’s camp for the opening day of deer season, 35-year-old Reuben bears the dubious distinction of being the oldest Soady in the history of the Soadys never to have bagged a buck. In a hunting story to beat all hunting stories, Reuben goes to extraordinary lengths to remove himself from the family record book. A Maine Premiere, see site for ticketing details, Penobscot Theatre, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
Feb. 1, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Broadway’s Best: Cinderella,” this Tony Award winning Broadway musical is delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love – the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more, plus some surprising new twists! Be transported back to your childhood as you rediscover some of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s most beloved songs, including “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s Possible” and “Ten Minutes Ago,” in this hilarious and romantic Broadway experience for anyone who’s ever had a wish, a dream…or a really great pair of shoes, see site for ticketing details, Cross Insurance Center, 515 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-561-8300, www.crossinsurancecenter.com.
Feb. 2, Friday, 7pm, “The First Stargazers,” journey back in time to explore how the first stargazers experienced the sky above. Your guide is Nashira, a friendly time traveler who has visited Earth many times before. Witness the very first stargazer making a Moon calendar out of animal bones 30,000 years ago. Discover the ancient pyramids of Giza and their alignment to the skies. See stunning digital re-creations of the Parthenon, Alexandria Library, Stonehenge and Abu Simbel Temple and be inspired by the first stargazers who laid down the foundations of modern-day astronomy, $6/adults, $4/under 12, Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Rd, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, astro.umaine.edu.
Feb. 3, Saturday, 11am-7:30pm, “Bangor Humanities Day,” celebrating the humanities with the Bangor community. In collaboration with area businesses, museums, and public spaces, as well as local collectives and experts, we host a day of diverse and fun events including the Bangor Youth Symphony Orchestra, Celtic Quartet, Oral History Workshop, Poetry Readings, Arts & Hors d’Oeuvres, cultural scavenger hunt, art show and more, Downtown, Bangor. FMI: 207-200-3665, www.thecoespace.com.
Feb. 3, Saturday, 1pm, “Tosca-The Met Live in HD,” extraordinary sopranos, Sonya Yoncheva and Anna Netrebko share the title role of the jealous prima donna, under the baton of esteemed conductor, Andris Nelsons, $25/adult, $20/seniors, $10/student, Collins Center for the Arts, 10 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Feb. 7, Wednesday, 3pm, “Carol Dana-Atlohkewi, Penobscot Winter Stories,” multi-week series, sources of material are Leland’s Algonquian tales, Fannie Hardy Eckstorm (it has a lot of broken English), 200 stories I gleaned from UMO library, Molly Dell’s stories, some from the web, Micmac tales by Rand, Volume 1 & 2 that Frank T. Sievert recorded, Gluscabe and other weird tales by Horace Beck, free, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bangorpubliclibrary.org.

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