Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 18-24

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 11-17
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 11-17
January 10, 2018
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 18-24
January 17, 2018

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 18-24

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 18-24
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 18-24

“The Yamato Drummers,”  Collins Center for the Arts, Orono

Jan. 18, Thursday, 5-7pm, “Message in the Bottle Wine Tasting,” our first Message in the Bottle Wine Tasting of 2018! We’re all broke after the holiday splurging, so we’ll be showing some really nice “cellar defenders” that can fit your needs for a wallet-friendly bottle for a Taco Tuesday or Playoff Pizza. Tasting is from 5-7pm, 21+ to taste please, free, Bangor Wine & Cheese, 86 Hammond Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3338, www.bangorwine.com.
Jan. 18, Thursday, 7pm, “The Yamato Drummers,” Heart-thumping rhythm, thunderous sounds and explosive beats, the drummers of Yamato – The Drummers of Japan push their limits in this staggering display of physical strength and ferocious skill. In this high-energy performance, the unmistakable sound of the traditional Taiko drum, used in Shinto rituals, is challenged by Yamato as they use their entire bodies to produce their breathtaking beats. With drums that weigh up to half a tonne, the drummers’ remarkable physical strength and trademark infectious energy leaves you feeling totally exhilarated, $29-$34, Collins Center for the Arts, UMO, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Jan. 19, Friday, 5-7pm, “Artist’s Reception with a Reading of The Masque of the Red Death,” The artist’s reception for Richard Kapral’s paintings and a celebratory reading of the short story, The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe, courtesy of Penobscot Theatre Company. Richard Kapral drew inspiration for his paintings in this exhibit from Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “Mask Of the Red Death.” Richard Kapral is a graduate of Cooper Union in New York City. Before moving to Maine he has exhibited extensively in New Jersey and New York City, and has won approximately 25 awards in Juried Shows. Mr. Kapral’s paintings are displayed in The Jersey City Museum, Overlook Hospital in summit, New Jersey, and private collection in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland as well as other states. Mr. Kapral has always worked in a Semi-abstract Expressionist manner which he began using in the 1940’s and continues in that tradition today. During the month of January, Mr. Kapral’s exhibit will showcase paintings inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, Mask of the Red Death, free, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336, www.bpl.lib.me.us
Jan. 19, Friday, 7pm, “Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds,” For thousands of years, mankind thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Thanks to our curiosity, imagination and urge to explore, we now know that planets like our Earth are nothing special in the cosmos. The Sun is just one ordinary star among hundreds of billions in our galaxy, the Milky Way. With the world’s most powerful telescopes, we are able to explore more and more of the Universe. What we have found so far has surpassed even the wildest expectations of scientists as well as authors of science fiction. Most stars have planets — it turns out they are more common than we thought. A huge diversity of different worlds is out there, just waiting to be discovered. Join as we explore these new worlds! $6/adults, $4/under 12, Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341, astro.umaine.edu.
Jan. 20, Saturday, 6am-3:30pm, “8th Annual House in the Woods Ice Fishing Derby,” Join us for the 8th Annual House in the Woods fishing Derby on Great Pond in Great Pond Hancock County. The derby will start at 6AM and the final weigh in will be at 330. Prizes for the longest fish will be the following:Brown Trout: Jiffy Propane Ice Auger; Small mouth bass: Wolf Muzzleloader; Pickerel: Loring Pack Basket and 5 Heritage Traps The entry fee for the derby will be $5.00 which will also enter you into our fantastic prizes. Please stay tuned for our list of prizes as they come in. We will also have a 50/50 raffle. We will have breakfast sandwiches bacon or sausage for sale. Lunch time we will have homemade beef stew, chili, hot dogs, chili dogs, cornbread, many different kinds of sweets, Great Pond Outdoor Adventure Center, 9 Dow Pines Road, Great Pond. FMI: 207-584-2000, get.dodlodging.net/propertys/Great-Pond-Outdoor-Adventure-Center.
Jan. 20, Saturday, 7am-3pm, “3rd Annual Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce Ice Fishing Derby,” Please join the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, January 20 from 7am-3pm at Lake Wassookeag, Big Indian Pond & Great Moose Lake for our Annual Ice Fishing Derby!! Cash prizes for heaviest Brook Trout, Lake Trout & Bass. 1st place is $250, 2nd place is $100 & 3rd place is $50! There will be weigh-in stations located at the boat launch of each lake! Tickets are $2 each or $10 for 6. YOU DON’T HAVE TO FISH TO WIN. Purchase of your ticket automatically gets you into all the raffle prize drawings! You can purchase tickets at Sebasticook Valley Federal Credit Unionlocations (Newport & Pittsfield), Moosehead Trail Trading Post, Hartley’s Country, Toot’s Store, PJ’s Bait Shop and at the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce. Remember to bring your ticket with you to weigh in your fish, Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce, 1589 Main Street, Palmyra. FMI: 207-368-4698. www.ourchamber.org.
Jan. 20, Saturday, 5-6:30pm, “Public Supper,” join us for food, conversation, and board games! Menu: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, brownies/ice cream for dessert, free, Hope Lutheran Church, 1520 Union Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-990-5900, www.hopebangor.org.

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