Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 28-Jan.3

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 28-Jan.3

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 28-Jan.3
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 28-Jan.3

“Studio Two:  Beatles Tribute Band,” Performing Arts Center, Gorham

Dec. 28, Thursday, 7-10pm, “Music with Jones Orchestra,” will be playing big band and country music, BYOB event, refreshments available, $5, American Legion Hall, 12 Church Street, Paris. FMI: www.sunjournal.com.
Dec. 29, Friday, 7-9:30pm, “The Renovators,” blend of original rockin’ blues, country, soul and funk, free, Lenny’s, 10 Hardy Road, Westbrook. FMI: renovatorsband.com.
Dec. 30, Saturday, 12:30-2pm, “Hawaiian Hula Performance and High Tea,” come enjoy our delicious baked goods and organic coffee /tea while we entertain you with a Hawaiian Hula dance performance! Let us share with you the Aloha spirit right here in Maine, call ahead for reservations, $15, $10/seniors, Daily Bread Bakery, 131 Ossipee Trail West, Standish. FMI: 207-253-9675, www.facebook.com/ofdailybread.
Dec. 30, Saturday, 7:30pm, “License to Thrill,” 1989 vintage ski film from Maine Filmmaker Greg Stump, to benefit the Ski Museum of Maine, $10/adults, $6/juniors, Gem Theater, 23 Cross Street, Bethel. FMI: 207-824-8248, www.bethelmaine.com.
Dec. 31, Sunday, 4pm, “Studio Two – The Beatles Tribute Live,” presented by New Year Gorham, doors open at 4pm, show starts at 5pm, second set starts at 6:30pm, fireworks at 9pm, $5, Gorham Performing Arts Center, 41 Morrill Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-222-1635, www.newyeargorham.org.
Dec. 31, Sunday, 7:30pm and 9:30pm, “Dickie Hyper-Hynie’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve,” Dickie Hyper-Hynie (A.K.A. Mike Miclon) is bringing his New Year’s Eve extravaganza back to Buckfield for the first time since 2011. This New Year’s Eve show is packed with incredible juggling and really bad magic. Dickie will be joined by Fritz Grobe, of Diet Coke and Mentos fame, musicians Oren Robinson and April Reed-Cox, jugglers Shane & Collin Miclon and many more. Each year Dickie and friends create an all new show to help ring out the old year and ring in the new. This show is family-friendly and interactive fun for everyone, $18, Buckfield Jr./Sr. High School, 160 Morrill Street, Buckfield. FMI: 207-514-6070, www.sunjournal.com.
Jan. 3, Wednesday, 7pm, “The Hello Josephines,” are a contagiously fun act that performs a unique blend of funky jazz, R&B, and Americana. The band features the instrumental and vocal talents of Bess Jacques (keyboard), Kate Campbell Strauss (saxophone), Per Hanson (drums and harmonica), and Scott Morrison (bass) on originals and covers with lush vocal harmonies, playful solos, and pulsing grooves that move audiences in the Portland area and beyond, free, The Frog and Turtle, 3 Vallee Square, Westbrook. FMI: 207-591-4185, www.thefrogandturtle.com.

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