Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 27-Aug. 2

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 27-Aug. 2

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 27-Aug. 2
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine July 27-Aug. 2

“Merry Wives of Windsor,” Indian Trail Park, Brewer

July 27-28 and 30, Thursday-Friday and Sunday, 6pm/Thurs.-Fri, 4pm/Sun, “Merry Wives of Windsor,” Sir John Falstaff is up to his usual tricks. Justice Shallow and his cousin, Slender, complain to Sir Hugh Evans that Falstaff has swindled them. Evans suggests they forget their grievances and that Slender court Anne Page, Master Page’s daughter. The unrepentant Falstaff arrives on the scene, admitting to the swindle. Later, he decides to generate some income for himself. Convinced that both women are enamored of him, he writes identical love letters to Mistress Page and Mistress Ford, intending to gain access to their husbands’ wealth. This is one of the great comic plays by William Shakespeare. The themes of the play include love and marriage, jealousy and revenge, class and wealth. Sir John Falstaff first deceives the wives. The wives in turn then deceive Falstaff. Falstaff gets into trouble because he is insincere, pretending to be in love when all he is really interested in is money. The ladies turn the tables on Falstaff, and he gets his just desserts in the end. Falstaff is one of the most popular of all the characters devised by William Shakespeare, outside venue, bring blankets, folding chairs and a picnic, $10, Indian Trail Park, Indian Trail Lane, Brewer. FMI: 207-844-1030, www.tenbuckstheatre.org.
July 27, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Mike Logtenberg Organ Concert,” St. John’s Organ Society celebrates 25th Anniversary with summer organ concerts on Maine’s largest 19th-century tracker-action pipe organ, E. & G. G. Hook’s magnificent Opus 288. The July 27 concert features Mike Logtenberg of Dahl, Luxembourg. He will perform music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, and Christoph Wolfgang Druckenmüller. Organist Mike Logtenberg was born in Wiltz (Luxembourg) on 25th March 1998. From 2007 to 2013, he studied piano with Isabelle Puissant. Since 2011 he has studied organ with Maurice Clement at the Conservatoire de Musique du Nord in Luxembourg. Mike serves as organist in the parish churches of Dahl, Nocher, and Esch/Sauer, free, St. John’s Catholic Church, 207 York Street, Bangor. FMI: hookopus288.net.
July 28-29 and 31, Thursday-Friday and Monday, 6-7:30pm/Fri, 9am-5pm/Sat, 9am-2pm/Mon, “Drums on the Penobscot: A Civil War Experience,” the 153 year-old organization presents its first weekend-long Civil War themed event. Beginning with an historically accurate encampment, skirmishes and artillery demonstrations, Drums on the Penobscot: A Civil War Experience will give participants and visitors a chance to see what life was like for soldiers and civilians during the War Between the States. Other weekend highlights include a tour of Civil War soldier burial sites at Mt. Hope Cemetery (Friday, July 28th at 6pm), presentations by national and local Civil War historians and authors and the opportunity to share “Cognac with Chamberlain” (Saturday, July 29). Visitors will have the opportunity to drill with re-enactors to learn first-hand what it was like to be a soldier in the Civil War. Saturday afternoon’s schedule also includes “The Fate of a Deserter”. Based on actual events involving the 20th Maine Regiment, this re-enactment follows a deserter’s path after trial and to execution. On Sunday participating units will engage in a Prisoner Exchange, University of Maine Augusta-Bangor Campus, 128 Texas Ave, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-1900, bangorhistoricalsociety.org.
July 28, Friday, 6-10pm, “Comedian Juston McKinney,” tickets include an array of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres with beverages, live a cappella musical entertainment by Mainely Music Chorus, and full comedy show with Juston McKinney. Juston McKinney has had multiple appearances on Comedy Central, including his half-hour Comedy Central Presents and on his one hour comedy special “Juston McKinney – A Middle Class Hole. He has made multiple appearances on “The Tonight Show”, both with Jay Leno and with Conan O’Brien. He was chosen to be part of the “Blue Collar Comedy Next Generation Tour” with Bill Engval, which aired on TBS. Juston also has had his own Sirius/XM weekly show “Live from the Woods with Juston McKinney”, and recently launched his new podcast “Juston McKinney Small Town Famous” which can be heard Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to Noon on EdgeRadio. His television sitcom appearances include the “King of Queens” and “100 Centre Street”, and he appeared in the films “The Zoo Keeper” and “Here Comes the Boom,” $25-$50, Gracie Theatre at Husson University, One Husson Circle, Bangor. FMI: www.JustonMcKinney.com.
July 28-30, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sun, “Becky’s New Car,” Have you ever been tempted to walk away from your life? Becky Foster is at a crossroads, standing at the intersection of middle age, an unfulfilling job, and close to thirty years of marriage and parenthood. One fateful night, she meets Walter Flood, a grieving widower and billboard magnate. Becky offers Walter some much-desired guidance and he offers her a glimpse of a possible new life. The audience becomes intimately involved in Beckys journey as she searches for – and is tempted by – what could be, see site for ticketing details, Cyrus Pavillion Theatre, University of Maine Campus, Orono. FMI: 207-619-4833, truenorththeatre.org.
July 29, Saturday, 10am-4pm, “Heavy Metal at Maine Forest & Logging Museum,” HEAVY METAL! Lombard running on Steam! Try your hand at Blacksmithing! Bean hole Beans and Biscuits, sawmill and shingle mill demonstrations, Maine Forest and Logging Museum, Government Road, Bradley. FMI: 207-974-6278, maineforestandloggingmuseum.org.
July 29, Saturday, 5:30pm/ dinner, 7pm/show, “Sandy River Ramblers,” Enjoy a four course Maine themed dinner and then the great music of the Sandy River Ramblers. Each course of the dinner will be prepared by a different guest chef. All ingredients will be micro-local and Maine-grown. The Sandy River Ramblers are a Maine Bluegrass band with an emphasis on Maine; their 2012 CD, Cry of the Loon and other original songs about Maine, has been called “a gift to Mainers” by Maine writer/columnist George Smith (who used the Ramblers’ song, Slow Down [You’ll Hit a Moose} as a theme song for his tongue-in-cheek run for Governor), $40/event, $45/door, $15/show only, Unity College for the Performing Arts, 42 Depot Street, Unity. FMI: uccpa.unity.edu.

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