Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 8-14

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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 8-14

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 8-14
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 8-14

“The Downeast Hysterical Society,” Celebration Barn Theatre, South Paris

June 8, Thursday, 6:30pm, “Author Daren Worcester,” Daren’s first book, “Open Season: True Stories of the Maine Warden Service” was released in April 2017. Daren will share some of the stories he collected from past and current wardens. Books will be available for purchase & signing, free, Gray Public Library, 5 Hancock Street, Gray. FMI: 207-657-4110, www.gray.lib.me.us.
June 8 and 13-14, Thursday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 7pm, “Cloudburst,” the “US Premiere” of the award-winning play, CLOUDBURST, by American-Canadian writer, Thom Fitzgerald. CLOUDBURST carries inexplicable charm, laugh-out-loud comedy, tears and heart-warming spirit- focusing on life-long relationships, the true meaning of family and love. You may have seen the 2011 movie, based on this 2010 play, which has won 27 “Best Picture” awards and stars Oscar-winning actresses Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker, “pay what you can”/Thursdays, $18/adults, $15/seniors, The Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightsinfalmouth.com.
June 9, Friday, 6:30pm, “Coffee House featuring Choro Louco,” this second-Friday-of-every-month coffee house features local music artists, great coffee, non-alcoholic beverages and other treats. It’s an uplifting experience in a small and intimate setting. Our Coffee House is appropriate for all ages. This month features Choro Louco. Based in Portland, Maine, Choro Louco is dedicated to the century-old tradition of Brazilian Choro music. Its beautiful melodies, complex harmonies, and syncopated rhythms combine elements of European folk and classical, ragtime, jazz, Latin, and African music creating a style that is uniquely Brazilian, donations appreciated, Falmouth Congregational Church Hall, 267 Falmouth Road, Falmouth. FMI: 207-781-3413, www.falmouthcongregationalchurch.org.
June 10-11, Saturday-Sunday, all day events, “Maine Canoe Symposium,” join canoe enthusiast for a weekend of workshops and presentations about all things canoeing, over 40 workshops throughout eight workshop sessions starting Saturday morning and running through Sunday at noon, special children’s track throughout the weekend, wonderful evening presentations by serious paddlers and explorers, in water workshops; professional instructors and Maine Guides will introduce you to canoe skills or take you to the next level in your canoe skills development, $95 adult, Camp Winona, 35 Winona Rd., Bridgton. FMI: 207-650-2669, www.mainecanoesymposium.org.
June 10, Saturday, 9:30am-4:30pm, “The Ancient Ones,” this group of re-enactors, in full period dress, will set up a real Living History Camp from the late 1700s – 1800s, demonstrations go on all day long, including fire starting, cooking, trading, tomahawk throwing, flint knapping, flintlock muskets, weaving & more, come to see what day-to-day life really looked like 200 years ago, all day Saturday & Sunday morning ‘til noon, $5.50 – $7.50 pp, Maine Wildlife Park, 56 Game Farm Rd., Gray. FMI: 207-657-4977, www.theancientonesofmaine.com.
June 10, Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Downeast Hysterical Society,” a comic two-man variety show with novelty songs, Maine humor, ‘wicked good’ juggling, and lots of laughs, $14/adults, $12/seniors, $8/kids, Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Road, South Paris. FMI: 207-743-8452, www.celebrationbarn.com.
June 10, Saturday, 8pm, “David Bromberg Quintet,” For Americana godfather David Bromberg, he can do it all….jazz, blues, folk, fusion…an icon of it all. His incredible journey spans five-and-a-half decades, and includes-but is not limited to-adventures with Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jerry Garcia, and music and life lessons from seminal blues guitarist Reverend Gary Davis. Bromberg’s mastery of several stringed instruments (guitar, fiddle, Dobro, mandolin), and his multiple styles is legendary, credit cards not accepted on site for food or beverages, $50, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dugway Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.

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