“13th Annual Horne Pond Ice Fishing Derby,” Limington
Jan. 26, Thursday, 6:30pm, “Paul Chase, Jr.,” overall style is as varied as the mood. Influences clearly range from heavy alternative rock to folk/country to lighter indie rock, free, Backstreet Grill, 16 School Street, Sanford. FMI: 207-324-1011, www.paulchasejr.com.
Jan. 26-28, Thursday-Saturday, 7pm/Thurs. and Fri, 2pm/Sat, “Mary Poppins, Live,” the magic of Mary Poppins comes to life as the Middle School of the Kennebunks brings her to York County. The Banks family is in need of a nanny and Mary Poppins arrives just in time. This production includes live music, professional lighting, professional sound, amazing props and some great laughs. There are many magical moments that only Mary Poppins can provide, $7, Middle School of the Kennebunks, 60 Thompson Road, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-467-8004, www.rsu21.net.
Jan. 27, Friday, 4pm, “Owl Prowl Series,” Our popular Owl Prowl Series is back! This fun event introduces participants to the amazing adaptations of native owls. We’ll meet under our education pavilion to learn about native owl species, their ecology, adaptations, and meet local representatives up close! Following the presentation, we’ll take a short walk into the surrounding habitat to call for owls and listen for whooo might call back. We welcome owl prowlers of all ages, but please remember that patience and a quiet atmosphere are crucial for owl prowling. Reservations are required, please email Education and Outreach Fellow, Katie, to reserve your spot today, $7/suggested donation, Center for Wildlife, 385 Mountain Road, Cape Neddick. FMI: 207-361-1400, www.thecenterforwildlife.org.
Jan. 28, Saturday, 5:15am-3pm, “13th Annual Horne Pond Ice Fishing Derby,” This year the Horne Pond Ice Fishing Derby is celebrating its 13th year, and they have chosen to partner with Standish Fish & Game Club and the Wounded Heroes Program of Maine. Established in 2015, the Standish Fish & Game Club is a family-oriented outdoor club for outdoor enthusiasts, serving local outdoor people and the local community. The Wounded Heroes Program of Maine is an all-volunteer organization that was established in 2008 to support our wounded veterans when they return home after being injured in the line of duty, providing a safety net for them during that difficult time of transition. The derby will be held January 28, 2017 on Pequawket Lake in Limington. Not only will people be able to fish, win door prizes, and enter raffles, they will be holding special activities for the kids. There are several Pre-Registration Parties leading up to the main event. The first one is Wed., 1/18/17, at Fairgrounds Pizza in Cornish, followed by another on Thursday, 1/26/17, at O’Dans in Standish, with both events running from 5-9pm and featuring special drink prices and activities and raffles. Then there’s an Pre-Registration Ice Block Party onsite at Camp Moy Mo Da Yo on Pequawket Lake in Limington, on Friday, 1/27, from 4-9pm, with music, a campfire, food, and fun! Registration on the day of the derby starts at 4am, and the derby runs from 5:15am-3pm, with a Kids Casting Contest at 10am. There will be visits from some of the North Woods Law Game Wardens(schedules permitting), as well as some ice fishing technique instruction for the whole family from IFW Outreach Coordinator Brittany Humphrey from 9am-noon. Awards and prize presentations begin at 3:30pm, $15/adults, $5/ through age 15, Camp Moy Mo Da Ya, Pequawket Lake, 100 Number 1 Road, Limington. FMI: 207-5685, www.hornepondderby.com.
Jan. 28, Saturday, 2pm, “50 Hour Party to Benefit Continuum Arts Collective,” day two of the 50 Hour Party to Benefit Continuum Arts Collective. We are still working on finalizing the lineup, but for now, we have the Lu’s favorite house band scheduled, the Soggy Po Boys. They’ll be playing from 4:00-5:30 PM. We’ll have a BIG raffle to benefit CAC, and will also be serving complimentary cocktails and snacks. BYOB if you prefer wine or beer. Proceeds benefit Continuum Arts Collective, a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to foster growth in support-challenged, high school artists and musicians in York County, Maine. Musical performances by:Don Guano and the Lo-Fi RebellionAunt PegKate RedgateSoggy Po BoysWattsThe ReconstructedBroken AmpsTristan OmandWhiskey Kill, The North Buick Lounge, 76 Lower Main Street, North Berwick. FMI: 1-204-251-9196.
Jan. 28, Saturday, 8pm, “Ken Labrecque,” playing acoustic jazz & classical guitar, no cover, Elements, 265 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-710-2011, www.elementsbookscoffeebeer.com.
Jan. 29, Sunday, 3pm, “Ben Baldwin & Kent Allyn Winter Concert,” Ben Baldwin and Kent Allyn got their start in 1976 at the fabled Cape Neddick Lobster Pound with their R&B band, The Big Note. Since then, they have played every conceivable gig on the seacoast and are thrilled to be playing the York Library. Johnny Mercer. Curtis Mayfield, The Band. Cole Porter. Sam Cooke. Ray Charles. Ernie K. Doe. With their vast and varied repertoire, going deep in the history, Ben and Kent love playing this music and sharing it with audiences of all ages, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.