Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 10-16

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 10-16
November 9, 2016
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 17-23
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 17-23
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 10-16

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 10-16
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 10-16

“Kiss Me Kate,” Windham High School, Windham

Nov. 11-13, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sun, “Kiss Me Kate,” is the story of a troupe of traveling actors who are performing Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” but things get complicated when the backstage drama of their personal lives creeps into the action, as they try to stage the musical, sparks fly on and off stage between Fred Graham, the show’s director and star, and Lilli Vanessi, his leading lady—and ex-wife. Add to the mix passionate young lovers, ingénue Lois Lane and her gambler boyfriend Bill, plus a few musically inclined gangsters’ heavies, and the result is a sharp and witty night with some of Cole Porter’s most immortal tunes, musical numbers include Why Can’t You Behave, So In Love Am I, Tom, Dick or Harry, Brush Up Your Shakespeare, I Hate Men, and Too Darn Hot. Kiss Me, Kate is pure entertainment at its musical – and comical – best, $12/adults, $8/seniors and students, Windham High School, 406 Gray Rd., Windham. FMI: 207-893-1742, www.mainetoday.com.
Nov. 11-12, Friday-Saturday, 7pm, “AURA, A Compelling Play,” the story of a pure soul, an eccentric man named Mike who can see color auras surrounding others, revealing their vitality — or imminent demise. It is a probing exploration of how Mike copes with knowledge that one should not even possess, let alone share. How does a thoughtful person live from day to day with a gift/curse of soul-wracking sensitivity and mind-numbing thoughtfulness such as this? Earl, a still young and vital senior struggling with his wife’s recent death, meets Mike on his daily walk in the park, and Earl’s world is forever transformed. Amanda, a young mom, and Dr. Emily Wallace, a psychiatrist to whom Mike turns for help with his unique visions, are both profoundly affected by Mike and are drawn to this kind and peculiar man with unique gifts. This is a “must experience” evening of theatre, The Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. FMI: 207-747-5434, www.thefootlightsinfalmouth.com.
Nov. 11-12, Friday-Saturday, 7:30pm, “Bad Dates,” by Theresa Rebeck, a one-woman comedy starring Teresa Dyer of Bridgton and directed by Jerry Walker. “Bad Dates” is the story of Haley, a single mom and self-proclaimed idiot savant at managing restaurants. She has divorced her Texas husband, moved to New York with her young daughter, and decided to try dating again. While fretting over what clothes to wear and asking advice from her daughter, Haley shares her outlook on life and her hilarious stories of dates gone horribly wrong…until the owner of one of the restaurants she manages is released from jail and interrupts, requesting to go over the books! Maybe Haley has been doing more than just picking out the flatware, $10, Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Rd, Standish. FMI: 207- 642-3743, www.schoolhousearts.org.
Nov. 12, Saturday, 9am, “Village Square Fair, Come to the annual church fair. There will be apple fritters in the morning and homemade soups, chowders and stews for lunch along with crafts, cookie walk, silent auction, homemade preserves, jewelry, bargain basement and books, Standish Congregational Church, Oak Hill Rd, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3386, www.standishcc.org.
Nov. 12, Saturday, 6pm, “Big Band Ballroom Bash,” Celebrate Veteran’s Day Weekend with us in USO style! Ballroom dancers of all levels are invited. Dance to the live music of the Portland Jazz Orchestra & USM Jazz Ensemble, directed by Chris Oberholtzer. Dance demonstrations will be give by professional ballroom dancers & USM dance students, directed by Maria Tzianabos, 6pm/dance lesson, 7pm/live music and dancing for everyone, $20, $35/per couple, Warren Hill Gymnasium, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5151, www.usm.maine.edu.
Nov. 13, Sunday, 2pm, “Paul Dresher/Joel Davel Invented Instrument Duo,” Performing on two extraordinary invented musical instruments – the four stringed & fifteen foot long Quadrachord and the electronic magic of the Marimba Lumina – Dresher and Davel create lush textures and rhythmically propulsive grooves that fascinate both the ear and the eye. Through the magic of live digital looping, this electro-acoustic duo creates a complexity of layers that rivals the richness of much larger ensembles and orchestras. With its 14 foot long steel strings, the Quadrachord might look like an extreme electric guitar but in addition to being plucked like a guitar, it can be bowed like a cello, played like a slide guitar, prepared like a piano and hammered on like a percussion instrument. The Marimba Lumina is invention by renowned synthesizer pioneer Don Buchla in collaboration with Joel Davel and Mark Goldstein. It is a sophisticated electronic instrument modeled after its acoustic namesake, but it offers a much more complex and sophisticated means of triggering and manipulating electronic and acoustically generated sounds. The Dresher/Davel duo has performed extensively throughout the United States at venues including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Carnegie/Zankel Hall, Bard College, Symphony Space, UT Austin, UC San Diego, Detroit Institute of Art, Roulette Intermedium, and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. As an added highlight at all of the duo’s performances, at the end of each concert, the audience is invited on stage to explore the instruments on their own and in interaction with the two artists, $15, $10/seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu.
Nov. 15, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “USM Vocal Jazz Ensemble,” includes both music and non-music majors, directed by Taylor O’Donnell. The ensemble will perform intricate arrangements of jazz standards, as well as pieces written specifically for vocal jazz ensembles. Per the ensemble’s custom, the performance will include improvised vocal solo, $8, $5/seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music.

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