Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct.27-Nov.2

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Oct.27-Nov.2
October 26, 2016
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 4-10
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Nov. 4-10
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct.27-Nov.2

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct.27-Nov.2
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Oct.27-Nov.2

“Avenue Q, the Musical,” Corthell Concert Hall, USM, Gorham

Oct. 27, Thursday, 8pm, “Greg Brown,” one of the best singer songwriters of our time, his haunting images of his Midwest upbringing couples with his Leonard Cohen type growl, is infectious. Grammy nominated, Greg is a musician’s musician and his tribute album attracted heavy hitters like Mary Chapin Carpenter and Lucinda Williams to record his songs, $36 = $3/handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Oct. 28, Friday, 7:30pm, “Encounters in Sound featuring Jed Wilson & Craig Bryan,” best known for his appearances on NPR’s A Prairie Home Companion and collaborations with singer/songwriter Heather Masse, will be accompanied by an incredibly diverse lineup of acclaimed musicians throughout the series. The October 28th concert will feature drummer Craig Bryan. Craig has been hitting things with sticks and mallets for a number of years. Grateful to be a set of hands (and feet) for the universe, Craig currently performs with the Jonathan Sarty Band, Sounds Clever and the Valley Horns, Bruce Marshall and the Nor’Easters, The Smokehouse Boys and the Bradley Jazz Collective. He can be heard playing on Heather Pierson’s album Motherless Child and two albums by the band Polyfusia, $15, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Oct. 28-30, Friday-Sunday, 8pm/Fri. and Sat, 2pm/Sat. and Sun, “Avenue Q, The Musical,” Featuring the naughtiest puppets in town, Avenue Q will bring hilarity, heart & life by the USM School of Music musical theatre ensemble cast of 19 direced by faculty member Edward Reichert. Avenue Q is a Tony Award(R)-winning musical about growing up, dreaming big, and finding your purpose in life. You’d be a muppet to miss it! The laugh-out-loud musical tells the timeless story of a recent college grad named Princeton who moves into a shabby New York apartment all the way out on Avenue Q. He soon discovers that although the residents seem nice, it’s clear that this is not your ordinary neighborhood. Together, Princeton and his new-found friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life. WARNING: Full Puppet Nudity! (Parental discretion advised), $15/adults, $10/seniors, Corthell Concert Hall, USM, 37 College Ave, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu.
Oct. 29, Saturday, 8am, “2nd Annual Wicked Weird and Totally Freaky Trick or Treat Trot by the Lake,” Ghouls and Goblins will run amuck on All Hallows Eve. Take heed, for you never know what lurks in the deep of Pennessewassee. All those who dare, beware of the wicked weird and totally freaky you might happen to meet. So run fast but not too far for the end is near— The question here is quite clear….will you find a trick or treat this year? Join the brave at heart on October 29, 2016 at the Norway Town office for the Second Annual Wicked Weird and Totally Freaky Trick or Treat Trot by the Lake 5k/10k. This all ages and abilities event is sure to be bigger and better than the last. Registration starts at 8:00, the 10k will kick off at 9:00, 5k will kick off 9:15 and the Wicked Walk will start at 9:25am. Join us after the races for entertainment and prizes for the top 5k/10k racers, $35/10K, $25/5k, $10/wicked walk-fun run/walk, Norway Town Office, 19 Danforth Street, Norway. FMI:  runsignup.com/Race/ME/Norway/WickedWeirdandTotallyFreakyTrickorTreatTrotbytheLake.
Oct. 29, Saturday, 5-6pm, “Scrumptious & Spooktacular Saturday Night Supper,” It’s a traditional Saturday Night Supper with a Halloween flavor! Dress in costume and get a treat! Grand prize of a gift basket for best adult costume! All children get special prizes for coming in costume! Join us for beans & hotdogs, delicious casseroles, salads, and homemade pies. It’s only $8 for adults, $5 for children under 8, and families with young children eat for $21 max, which includes coffee cauldron, ghostly grog, and bat-wing bread ~ and that’s no trick, only treat, Casco Village Church, 941 Meadow Road, Casco. FMI: 207-627-4282, www.cascovillageucc.org.
Oct. 29, Saturday, 7pm, “First Dance-An Evening with Susie Pepper & Kelly Muse,” They’re the songs that carry couples into wedded bliss. Think Etta James’ At Last or Frank Sinatra’s The Way You Look Tonight. 317 Main Teaching Artist Kelly Muse and his long-time musical partner, acclaimed vocalist Susie Pepper, know this songbook well. As one of Maine’s most sought after wedding ensembles, their band, Mixology, has guided couples through hundreds of first dances. In this one-night only performance at First Parish Congregational Church in Yarmouth, Pepper and Muse’s quartet will share their all-time favorite First Dance songs, new and old, a repertoire that will leave concert goers wanting to say “I do” all over again. The acoustic ensemble will be rounded out by bassist Rob Gerry, drummer Dustin LeVasseur and a string quartet made up of local musicians, $10-$15, First Parish Congregational Church, 116 Main Street, Yarmouth. FMI: 207-846-9559, www.317main.org.
Oct. 29, Saturday, 8pm, “This is What Happened,” hosted by Sally Jones, cozy up for an evening of true tales told by local storytellers on the theme of “lost and found,” $10, Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Road, South Paris. FMI: 207-743-8452, www.celebrationbarn.com.

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