Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7
August 31, 2016
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 8-14
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 8-14
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Sept. 1-7

“Scribner’s Mill Tour,” Harrison

Sept. 2, Friday, 8pm, “End of Summer Bash,” with Tricky Britches and Mistah SMAC 2016, Tricky Britches presents their brand of high energy and new/old country along with being the house band for the end of the night when a new Mistah SMAC is crowned! Come see the area’s finest men challenge the past Mistah SMAC for his crown. Contestants have been handpicked and will not disappoint. Come see them in their native garb of tool belts, carharts, and overalls. Funny man Mike Miclon will host along with Carol Noonan. Night includes a fund silent auction. Credit cards not accepted on site for food or beverage, $20pp +$2/handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 1-4pm, “Scribner’s Mill Tour,” highlighted will be hand hewing, two man use of the buck saw, and timber framing. On display will be the newly restored Civil war Caisson that was adapted by the Scribner Brothers as a wagon to haul lumber and the big wheel log hauler. Demonstration of the 19th century machinery to manufacture parts for dry (slack) barrelsaround 2:30. In the long shed demonstrations of the shingle mill will take place around 3:00. Across thestreet, the 1849 Scribner Homestead will be open for guided tours. The mill site, which includes the barn, ice house, & blacksmith shop, holds a large collection of antiquemill, household, and ice harvesting equipment, $5, Scribner’s Mill, 244 Scribner’s Mill Road, Harrison. FMI: 207-583-6455, www.scribnersmill.org.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 7pm, “Sumner McKane’s Northeast by Eastern,” Sumner McKane presents the world premiere of his latest project, “The Northeast by Eastern,” live on the LHE/PAC stage! McKane’s new film/live music performance combines Eastern Illustrating and Publishing Company’s comprehensive collection of early 20th century photographs of rural New England and Upstate New York, with archival film footage, interviews, and oral histories. Combined, these stories and images illustrate an era unlike any other in American history. These views captured towns that are no longer on maps, towns that we never knew existed, our home towns, and they captured, thoroughly, a way of life in the rural northeast in the early 20th century, $15/adults, $10/seniors, $5/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 7:30pm, “Classic Rock Dance Cruise,” listen to the music and dance as you cruise down Long Lake aboard the Songo River Queen II, sponsored by the Naples Lion Club, tickets at dock or call Arlene, Songo River Queen II, Naples Causeway, Route 302, Naples. FMI: 207-693-6365, www.songoriverqueen.net.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 8pm, “Mike Miclon’s Early Evening Show,” a hilarious late night TV spoof. The show’s wild improvisation, surprise guests, and audience interactions have made it the longest running variety show in Maine history! Join us the first Saturday of each month for lots of surprises with an ALL NEW SHOW, $14, $12/seniors, $8/17 and younger, Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Road, South Paris. FMI: 207-743-8452, www.CelebrationBarn.com.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 8pm, “My Fools: A Life in Song-A Performance History,” Rinde Eckert is a true pioneer of multi-disciplinary performance: a consummate musician who combines extraordinary vocal virtuosity with an athlete’s physical prowess, a slapstick comic’s theatrical vulnerability and a philosopher’s understanding of human complexity. His performance defies all traditional notions of the boundaries between music, movement and theater. Rinde Eckert is a writer, composer, librettist, musician, performer and director. His Opera / New Music Theatre productions have toured throughout America and to major theater festivals in Europe and Asia. With a virtuosic command of gesture, language and song, this total theatre artist moves beyond the boundaries of what a ‘play,” a ‘dance piece,’ an ‘opera’ or ‘musical’ might be, in the service of grappling with complex issues. Eckert describes many of his characters as “little men with big ideas whose consequences of their hubris are often disastrous.” Sometimes tragic and austere, sometimes broadly comedic, entirely grounded by presence, his work is alchemical: moving from rumination and distillation to hard-won illumination, or its lack, free, Corthell Concert Hall, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, www.usm.maine.edu/music/my-fools-life-song-performance-history.
Sept. 4, Sunday, 3pm, “DaPonte String Quartet Concert,” Violinists Lydia Forbes and Ferdinand “Dino” Liva; Violist KIrsten Monke; and cellist Myles Jordan. Program: Mendelssohn String Quartet Op. 80, Beethoven String Quartet Op. 59, No. 2, $15, First Baptist Church, 500 Paris Hill Road, South Paris. FMI: 207-754-7970, www.daponte.org.

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