“Of Mice and Men,” Lakewood Theater, Madison
Sept. 1, Thursday, 7pm, “Ksenia Kostelanetz: Piano Concert,” presenting the Frank Glazer Memorial Steinway Concert, pieces to include Rachmaninoff, Prelude op. 23 #6, the Brahms, Intermezzo op. 118, #2, and Beethoven’s Tempest Sonata, Ksenia is only 15 years old, but to hear her play classical music on the piano, an audience might think they were listening to a seasoned virtuoso, free, Gendron Franco Center, 46 Cedar Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-1585, www.francocenter.org.
Sept. 1-4 and 7, Thursday-Sunday and Wednesday, 8pm/Thurs.-Sat, 4pm/Sun, 2pm/Thurs, “Of Mice and Men,” they are an unlikely pair: George, small, quick, intelligent and undereducated, and Lennie a man of tremendous size with the mind of a young child. They are lonely drifters. Laborers living hand to mouth in the dusty vegetable fields of California during the Great Depression. George guides and protects Lennie but also depends on him for companionship. Theirs is a friendship and a shared dream that makes an individual’s existence meaningful. The dream: to own an acre of land and a shack they can call their own. When they land jobs on a ranch in the Salinas Valley, the fulfillment of the dream seems to be within their grasp. A gentle giant with brute strength, Lennie has an obsession with things soft and cuddly…rabbits, puppies, the hair of a provocative woman. When the woman is found dead from a broken neck, George is faced with a moral question: how should he deal with Lennie before the ranchers find him and take matters into their own hands. An American classic! Contains adult language, $17-$35, Lakewood Theater, 76 Theater Road, Madison. FMI: 207-474-7176, www.lakewoodtheater.org.
Sept. 2, Friday, 7pm, “Low Lily Concert,” The string and vocal trio Low Lily (formerly Annalivia) explores the roots and branches of American folk music with traditional influences and modern inspiration that weaves together a unique brand of acoustic music. Liz Simmons (vocals and guitar) Flynn Cohen (vocals, guitar, and mandolin) and Lissa Schneckenburger (vocals and fiddle) are masterful players with deep relationships to traditional music styles ranging from bluegrass, to Irish, Scottish, New England, and Old Time Appalachian sounds. When you combine this with stellar composition skills and inventive arrangements you get music that is rooted yet contemporary, $20, Unity College Center for the Performing Arts, 42 Depot Street, Unity. FMI: 207-509-7132, www.unity.edu.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 8am, “5K Race for the Lakes in Belgrade,” 6:30 to 7:45 am, Registration at Camp Runoia, 420 Point Road, Belgrade. 8:00 am, Official, Timed Road Race, Safe, rolling course, Out and Back. 8:45 to 9:00 am, 5K Award Ceremony with Food and Great Prizes! Call Race Director, Mary Kerwood, BRCA, for more information, Camp Runoia, 420 Point Road, Belgrade. FMI: 207-495-6039, www.belgradelakes.org.
Sept. 3 and 4, Saturday-Sunday, 9am, “Rockhounders Gen and Mineral Show,” 27th annual event sponsored by the Kennebec Rocks and Minerals Club, will feature door prizes, daily grand door prize, demonstrations in cabbing and lapidary, mineral displays, dealers in minerals, jewelry, gems and fossils, geode slicing, mineral mine and other games for children. Children can win a mineral starter kit and get a free stone just for coming in. Information on rockhounding and how to join mineral club also available. “Rocky,” the rockhound dog, also will be at the show, Augusta Armory, 179 Western Avenue, Augusta. FMI: 207-873-6270, www.amfed.org.
Sept. 3, Saturday, 3pm, “Muddy Marsh Ramblers bluegrass at the Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival,” an array of Maine craft brewers, local food vendors featuring farm-to-table fare, three live bands, guided river walks along the Kennebec, and tours of the Somerset Grist Mill and of Skowhegan’s section of the Langlais Art Trail will combine to make an unforgettable close to summer, Skowhegan Craft Brew Festival, Downtown, Skowhegan. FMI: www.skowhegancraftbrewfest.com.
Sept. 4, Sunday, 6pm, “The Dunnemans: Gospel Music,” classically-trained soprano Gretchen Dunneman and piano-playing Southern Gospel lead singer Reg Dunneman blend their talents and voices in a wonderful variety of music that lifts the name of Jesus. The Dunnemans travel the US and Canada with a musical ministry that transcends denominational lines and ministers to churches, retirement communities, camps and Bible conferences, donations welcome, Court Street Baptist Church, 129 Court Street, Auburn. FMI: 207-784-6661, www.thedunnemans.net.