Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 25-31

“Ani DiFranco,” Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield

Aug. 26 and 27, Friday and Saturday, 7:30pm, “Afro-Solo-Man,” presented by Artists-in-Residence Ricarrdo Valentine and Orland Hunter of Brother(hood) Dance, a multimedia performance work that incorporates dance, storytelling, music and video projection to explore the artists’ African-American ancestry, $15, Denmark Arts Center, 50 West Main Street, Denmark. FMI: 207-452-2412, www.denmarkarts.org.
Aug. 27, Saturday, 9am-3pm, “Gray’s End of Summer Fest-A Harvest Gathering,” This new, town festival will feature four local bands and showcase many community organizations and local businesses. The non-stop line-up of free activities includes: Kid’s ¼ mile Fun Run at 9:20am immediately followed by a Diaper Derby; Team Challenge (3-person team contests) at10am, at Noon and at 2pm; free Horse-drawn wagon rides starting at10am; Watermelon Eating Contests at 11am and 2pm; Blue Ribbon Tomato Judging and Oddest Vegetable Contest at 1pm. Live musical performances start at 10am, including: Living Highway, GNG Brass Quintet, Farmington & Humphrey, and Ton Def. A Community Market with food, crafts and school/community fundraisers will run from noon to 3pm. Ongoing activities include: Dunk Tank, Children’s Activity Tent, Lawn Games, and special guest appearances by alpacas and goats. Additional workshops include: “Troubleshoot your Garden”, “Canning 101”, and “Keeping Backyard Chickens”. Gray’s End of Summer Fest is being held in conjunction with the Community Give-Away and the Youth Sports Equipment Swap, which start at 8am, 24 Main Street, Pennell Park. FMI: visit ‘Gray End of Summer Fest” on Facebook or contact Lacy Antonson at Grayendofsummerfest@gmail.com.
Aug. 27, Saturday, 9am-3pm,” 5th Annual Fryeburg Street Arts & Crafts Fair,” music by Birds on a Wire, handmade crafts and baked goods for sale, an activity area for children of all ages, hotdogs, popcorn and lemonade, Bradley Park, 488 Maine Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-4509, www.sunjournal.com.
Aug. 27, Saturday, 8pm, “Bill Bowers’ All Over the Map,” unbelievable stories and true characters from 30 years on the road. Bill Bowers has performed on Broadway, at the Kennedy Center, the White House, and in some of the finest grade school cafetoriums across the country. In All Over the Map, he shares indelible memories and characters who will stay with you long after lights are up, $14/adults, $12/seniors, $8/17 and under, Celebration Barn Theater, 190 Stock Farm Rd, South Paris. FMI: 207-8452, www.celebrationbarn.com.
Aug. 27, Saturday, 9am-12pm, “Nature Journal with Wendy Newcomb,” Maine Artist Wendy Newcomb can capture a scene on canvas. Most of those paintings start in her sketch journal, and most of those sketches are of something in the natural world. She said of her journals at our first session: these are like my diaries, I can look back and remember that moment, what the day was like, what I saw outside. Not only is Wendy a wonderful artist, she is an exceptional teacher as well. Hike and sketch, chat and hike, identify and sketch some more. We will send you a materials list to gather before the session. Sturdy hiking shoes, a snack and water are highly recommended. Registration required, $20/LEA members, $35/nonmembers, Baldpate Preserve, Route 107, South Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580, www.mainelakes.org.
Aug. 28, Sunday, 8-9:30am, “Naples Causeway 5K,” come and enjoy the second annual flat 5K along the Naples Causeway. Views of beautiful Long Lake and Brandy Pond during your run/walk. All proceeds benefit the Patrick Dempsey Center, race starts adjacent to Bray’s Brew Pub, $25, Naples Causeway, Naples. FMI: runsignup.com.
Aug. 30, Tuesday, 8pm, “Ani DiFranco Up Close and Personal,” since Ani bucked the major label system in the early-’90s, opting to release her music on her own terms, the self-described little Folksinger has been the subject of all kinds of hyperbole. She’s been called “fiercely independent” (Rolling Stone), “inspirational” (All Music Guide), “the ultimate do-it-yourself songwriter, (The New York Times), etc. As the cracks in the music industry get larger and more big-name artists follow Ani’s lead, maybe people will just start calling her “smart.” Call us luck for getting to see her here in our small little hall, $85, $3/handling fee, credit cards not accepted on site for food or beverage, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.

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