Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 13-18

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 13-18

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 13-18
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 13-18

“The Wizard of Oz,” Next Generation Theatre, Brewer

May 13-15, Friday-Sunday, 8pm/Fri. and Sat, 3pm/Sun, “Duck Hunter Shoots Angel,” from the author of “Tuesdays with Morrie” comes a story ripped from the headlines-of a tawdry tabloid, when a jaded New York journalist is sent to cover a mysterious angel shooting in Alabama, he expects to find and dutifully perpetuate a hoax, but skepticism turns to surprise as the evidence points to matters divine, not since the half man-half alligator story has there been so much media in the swamp, and with all the helicopters, the two guileless, guilt-ridden hunters can hardly think, $25 – $37, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main St., Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
May 13-15, Friday-Sunday, 4:30pm/Fri. and Sat, 11:30am/Sun, “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” an unredeemable thief, takes on farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean in this beloved tale, the farmers are no match for Mr. Fox who devises an elaborate plan to sustain his family and all of his friends, at every mischievous turn, Mr. Fox outwits, out-plans and overcomes the farmers’ ploys, triumphing as only a fantastic fox can, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main St., Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
May 15, Sunday, 4pm, “Organ Favorites Open Recital,” played by Kay Eames, organist, and assisted by Anne Small, organist and flutist, selections will include pieces by J. S. Bach, Couperin, Bedard and Pinkham, donations accepted for the pipe organ fund at the church, free will donation, All Souls Church, 10 Broadway, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-7534, www.allsoulsbangor.com.
May 13-15, Friday-Sunday, 6pm/Fri. and Sat, 1pm/Sat. and Sun, “The Wizard of Oz,” this loveable classic tale, like so many girls her age, little Dorothy Gale of Kansas dreams of what lies over the rainbow, one day a twister hits her farm and carries her away over the rainbow to another world, join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion and Toto as they travel the universe of Dorothy’s imagination, $4 – $7, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center St., Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
May 14, Saturday, 8-11pm, “The Suitcase Junket,” Matt Lorenz, an internationally-touring, throat-singing, slide-guitar-playing, one-man-band on found and salvaged instruments, 58 Main, 58 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 58mainbangor.com.
May 15, Sunday, 7pm, “All-Star Improv Cabaret,” a sensational team of improvisational artists, “This fast-paced, interactive show will have folks rolling in the aisles,” $15, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main St., Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
May 17, Tuesday, 5-7pm, “Introduction to Kayaking,” Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 4 day event, this course will allow you to Paddle Smart from the Start and get geared up for a summer of kayaking exercise and adventures and discover some great paddling locations, in this course we’ll cover kayaking basics, from proper boat fit and entry, paddle size and proper use, what boat is right for you, essential equipment to paddle safely, where to paddle with basic map reading skills, efficient stroke technique and capsize and re-entry practice in the pool, upon completion you will be prepared to paddle safely and efficiently on ponds, lakes and slow moving rivers, Hirundo Wildlife Regfuge, Old Town. FMI: 207-866-3506, www.castinekayak.com.

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