Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 18-24

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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 18-24
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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 18-24

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 18-24
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 18-24

“Home Free,” Gracie Theatre, Husson University, Bangor

Feb. 18, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Home Free,” this one and only country a capella group made a huge hit on SING-OFF and now are touring the country. Home Free continues to entertain audiences with their high-energy show peppered with quick-witted humor that meshes Nashville standards with pop hits dipped in country flavor, $30-$55, Gracie Theatre, Husson University, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-7888, www.homefreemusic.com.
Feb. 19, 10am-2pm, “Winter Family Day of Play,” attention all families! Have a fun day of outdoor exploration and hands-on activities for all ages. Learn how you can become a citizen scientist and help protect wildlife and habitat in Maine. Activities include scavenger hunt, story walk, sledding, snowshoe rentals, indoor arts & crafts, refreshments provided, $7, free/under 2, Fields Pond Audubon Center, 216 Fields Pond Rd, Holden. FMI: 207-989-2591, www.maineaudubon.org.
Feb. 20, Saturday, 10-11am, “Maine in the Midst of Snowy Owl Irruption,” the Friends of Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge will present Erynn Call, raptor specialist with Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Call partners with Project Snowstorm, a collaboration formed after the 2013-14 Snowy Owl irruption. Her talk will be part of the monthly discussion series, Sunkhaze Cafe. Questions her talk about Snowy Owls will answer include: When do they arrive in Maine? What are their habits? What is Project Snowstorm, and how can we learn more, free, Old Town Public Library, 46 Middle Street, Old Town. FMI: 207-827-3972, www.sunkhaze.org.
Feb. 20, Saturday, 2-4pm, “2016 International Dance Festival,” the International Dance Festival showcases an array of traditional music, dance and costumes of our diverse student body at UMaine. It began as a student-led initiative in 2005 and is held annually on the third Saturday of February at the Collins Center for the Arts. Two free performances of dances from around the world are scheduled, with shows at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Doors open one hour before show time, free, Collins Center for the Arts, 2 Flagstaff Rd, Orono. FMI: 207-581-2905, www.umaine.edu/international/homw/outreach/idf.
Feb. 20, Saturday, 3pm, “Gruff: A New Family Musical,” in this interactive and puppet-filled musical, a young goat leaves the junkyard for the first time and stumbles into the fantastical land of the trolls, where she learns about the wonder of the natural world, and a new adventure begins, in which trolls and goats learn to live and play together, $35/orchestra seating, $25/balcony, Gracie Theatre, 1 College Circle, Bangor. FMI: 207-941-7888, www.gracietheatre.com.
Feb. 20, Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Skyliners,” 13-piece big band will perform dance music in the tradition of Glen Miller and Count Basie. Beer and Wine will be available for purchase (21+), $8, Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center St, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
Feb. 21, Sunday, 12-7pm, “Benefit ‘Barn’ Dance,” to benefit The Samsara Exotic Animal Refuge in Greenfield. Samsara is a non-profit refuge that cares for animals that other shelters can’t, or will not. The refuge is currently home to roughly 150 animals who without them would not be alive today. Animals come there for a myriad of reasons. Some from horrible situations of abuse or abandonment, some because their owners have passed, some because their owners are just no longer able to care for them. The proceeds from this benefit will go towards building a new barn to help with the care of these animals. The benefit will feature 8 different bands, playing a wide variety of rock and country music. There will be auction items donated from the community, as well as a bake sale, Knights of Columbus Hall, 5 Gilman Falls Ave, Old Town. FMI: 207-826-2220, www.bangordailynews.com.

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