Naples Causeway Goes Retro With MountainView Woodies Club’s Boat and Car Show on Long Lake, Maine

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Naples Causeway Goes Retro With MountainView Woodies Club’s Boat and Car Show on Long Lake, Maine

Naples Causeway Goes Retro With MountainView Woodies Club’s Boat and Car Show on Long Lake, Maine
Naples Causeway Goes Retro With MountainView Woodies Club’s Boat and Car Show on Long Lake, Maine

MountainView Woodies Classic Boat and Car Show provide Eye Candy on Long Lake, Naples, Maine

by Leigh Macmillen Hayes, photo credits: MountainView Woodies Club
In a matter of days, the Naples Causeway in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine will go retro and fill with beautiful antique and classic boats. The MountainView Woodies Club will host its 22nd Annual Antique and Classic Boat Show at the Naples Town Dock with a boat parade on Friday, July 31st, at 7:30pm and on Saturday, August 1st, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Woodies Show

The fine craftsmanship of a vintage boat, along with the aura of a time gone by, and the camaraderie of the folks who share an interest in preserving the past is evident in this event. Wooden boats have graced the Lakes Region for many years. With sleek, smooth lines, detailed handiwork and the extraordinary glow of mahogany, they offer unique beauty from bow to stern.
But . . . this is more than just a boat show. It’s a keels and wheels event because in addition to the wooden and classic antique boats on display, classic cars are expected. Enjoy the view as you amble along the Causeway, which earned a national award as one of the best streetscapes in America.








Jon March, the show representative tells us there is a new event this year— a gathering of rare 1960’s Amphicars traveling from various corners of the Northeast. The first commercial amphibious “car-boat” ever made, Amphicars are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their memorable introduction at the 1964/1965 New York World’s Fair. “They are a sight to behold as they amaze onlookers are driven directly into the water to continue their carefree ‘commute,’” says March. He arranged for their visit to Naples and reports that the Amphi’s are a big crowd pleaser, adding “they always make a big splash!”

Antique boat & cars at RIcks

This year’s event includes two opportunities to view these references to the Lakes Region’s past. At 7:30 on Friday evening, the boats will queue up on Brandy Pond, then travel under the bridge into Long Lake. They’ll make two loops as they parade in front of the Causeway and then line up and at the drop of a flag everyone will take off at once. It’s an amazing site to behold.
On Saturday, the classic show will turn the Causeway into a scene from the past, with restored boats and autos lining the waterfront from 10am-3pm. March says, “Makes and models from all eras will be displayed. Admission is free.
If you are interested in learning more about MountainView Woodies Club, chat with some folks at the dock, watch for their fall foliage cruise the first weekend of October, or ask about their monthly meetings. If you have an antique boat or auto you’d like to display, registration is from 9-9:45am and there is no charge. Check in at the show tent on the Town Dock.
In between events of the boat show, make time to look at some lakefront properties so you can enjoy the view year round.
To view lakefront property for sale on Long Lake, click on the green box above.
To learn more about Long Lake and Naples, check out the blog links below.
Picturesque Naples, Maine, is set between Brandy Pond and Long Lake
Bay Of Naples Bridge Between Long Lake and Brandy Pond in Naples, Maine Ushers In New Generation


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