Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 28-June 3

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 28-June 3

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 28-June 3
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine May 28-June 3

“Flashback Favorites,” Collins Center for the Arts, Orono

May 28-30, Thursday-Saturday, 7pm, “Alice vs. Wonderland,” directed by Sophomore MacKenzie Philbrick, Alice Vs. Wonderland as described by the author, Brandon Shea, is a “remix” of the original play. Still consisting of much of Carroll’s original work, the show has been updated for modern audiences, the old tired lullabies switched for modern pop songs. The integrity of the canon characters is still there however, preserving Carroll’s original work with the only major change the part of Alice being split into six roles. Each Alice is meant to evoke a different stage of adolescence, bringing forward the identity crisis that many teens face, $5, Searsport Distric High School, 24 Mortland Road, Searsport. FMI: 207-548-2313, www.sdmhs.rsu20.org.
May 29-31, Friday-Sunday, 6pm/Sat. and Fri., 3pm/Sun., “James and the Giant Peach,” presented by Penobscot Theatre Company’s Dramatic Academy featuring students age 4-14, in this lively adaptation of the classic story by Roald Dahl, James escapes the clutches of his evil aunties via a giant, magical peach and some wily insect friends. Together they journey across the countryside, over the ocean, to the outer limits of the imagination in a heartwarming story of teamwork and triumph, see site for ticketing details, Penobscot Theater, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
May 29, Friday, 6:30pm, “Fields Pond Paddle,” join us on a paddle as day shifts into night. Loons, eagles, and herons may grace your trip. Bring your own canoe or kayak or rent a canoe from us, $5, $5/canoe rental (with life jackets and paddles), 207-989-2591, www.maineaudubon.org.
May 29, Friday, 7pm,”New Renaissance Singers ‘Seasons of Love’ Spring Choral Concert,” a concert about all the seasons of love, spanning an eclectic range of music; including the minstrel style piece “Nelly Bly” by Stephen Foster, Shaker Song “Simple Gifts” by Copland, Omnia Sol by Z Randall Stroope, and Billy Joel’s “And So It Goes” arranged by Bob Chilcott, the first half of the concert culminates with a musical Argument, and we close out the show with “Seasons of Love” from Rent, $10, First Congregational Church of Brewer, 35 Church St., Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7350, www.nrsingers.com.
May 29, Friday, 7:30pm, “Chris Ross and the North,” Chris Ross has been writing and performing his songs for the better part of a decade, he mixes smokey folk with a rambling and witty poeticism, which earned him the “Songwriter Of The Year” award at the 2014 New England Music Awards. His music is simple yet rich, catchy yet worn at the edges, The Meadow Brothers open, $15 General Admission, The Grand, 165 Main St, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-667-9500, www.grandonline.org.
May 30, Saturday, 2pm, “Flashback Favorites,” members of Top Hat II Dance Studio’s adult class take a break from their “chores” at a recent rehearsal for the studio’s 29th annual spring recital. The dancers will perform a medley of songs from “Annie” in “Flashback Favorites,” Collins Center for the Arts, UMO, Orono. FMI: 207-989-3900, www.tophatii.com.
May 30, Saturday, 7pm, “Quantum Live!” musicians Jason Dean and Mike Whitehead will bring you a night of electronic soundscapes to lose your mind to, Quantum’s sound is comprised of synths and drum machine as well as live instruments that will lead you to an ambient electronic experience that will make you move your booty, $5, Between Friends Art Center – Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center St., Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.

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