The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

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May 7, 2015
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The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit
The Maine Lakes Society Works For Our Benefit

Summer calls from Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine


by Leigh Macmillen Hayes
People, like the ever-energetic Maggie Shannon, executive director of the Maine Lakes Society, have made it their life’s work to protect the lakes and ponds we love.
The mission of the Maine Lake’s Society is the following: “To protect and preserve the values and benefits of Maine’s lakes, ponds, and watersheds for future generations through science-based action, education and advocacy.”






This is a membership-based organization that was founded in 1970 as the Congress of Lake Associations (COLA). In 2012, COLA merged with the Maine Lakes Conservancy Institute and changed the name as it broadened its mission. The Maine Lakes Society strives to support lake associations, watershed alliances, residents and visitors by providing programs, advice and education, e.g. how to prevent algal blooms.
As advocates for our lakes, the MLS uses science-based data to help local, regional and state officials make informed decisions. They keep all of us current on government action affecting lakes via their Legislative Alerts on their Web site. And they encourage us to get informed ourselves and help shape lake policy.
The following are a few of the Maine Lakes Society programs:
LakeSmart is “a program that offers FREE opportunities for homeowners to learn how to manage their home and yard to protect the water quality of their lake. The goal of LakeSmart is to change the increasingly common suburban landscaping practices around lakes to more natural, lake-friendly environments.” This is on a voluntary basis. Homeowners receive an evaluation from a trained representative, who will recommend steps to take to prevent storm water from reaching the lake. When standards are met, the blue and white LakeSmart Award sign is presented and may be posted beside the lake or road, letting others no that you’re following best management practices.
Lakes Alive! allows participants the opportunity to step aboard the Melinda Ann, a floating classroom, and practice using state-of-the art equipment in the lakefront setting: a Secchi Dist to measure water quality, Plankton Haul to collect zoo-plankton, Ken-A-Vision flat-screen monitor to see magnified images of microscopic lake organisms and more.
Maine Lakes Conference and Celebration, an annual family-friendly event designed to engage and support lake groups. This year’s event will be held a Camp O At Ka on Sebago Lake. Lisa Borre, a contributing writer for National Geographic, will be the keynote speaker. She’ll address how climate change is affecting lakes worldwide.
The Lake Book is a handbook intended to educate all of us on “the interactions at play in lakes, how human activities affect them, and how we can keep them healthy.
FMI: Maine Lakes Society, 137 Main Street, Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918.
To learn more about lakefront property for sale on Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine, click on the green box above.
To learn more about the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, check out the blog links below.
Great Pond in Belgrade, Maine, Offers Great Cabins and Cottages
The Maine Chance on Long Pond in the Belgrade Lakes Region: Beauty the Way Nature Intended


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