Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 26-Mar. 4

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 26-Mar. 4

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 26-Mar. 4
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 26-Mar. 4

“Vancouver Chamber Choir,” Bangor

Feb. 26, Thursday, 7:30pm, “Jack Burt and Laura Artesani with Orchestra,” in an out of the ordinary faculty recital, Dr. Jack Burt, UMaine Associate Professor of Trumpet, will perform 3 trumpet concertos with orchestra, the program will feature music by Tomaso Albinoni, George Frederic Handel and Johann Baptist Neruda. Dr. Burt will also perform music for trumpet and organ with Dr. Laura Artesani, the program will close with a rousing medley of James Bond Theme songs arranged for a seven-piece ensemble, $9, Minsky Recital Hall, University of Maine, Class of 1944 Hall, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.umaine.edu.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 9-11:30am, “Trapping with Paul Favolise,” join Paul Favolise by the woodstove in the blacksmith shop for a talk about trapping- now and in the old days, be dressed for a hike to see how and where to set traps, $3, Maine Forest and Logging Museum, Government Road, Bradley. FMI: 207¬-974-6278, www.maineforestandloggingmuseum.org.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 10:30am-2pm, “YMCA Wilderness Center Snowshoe Race,” 1k race for kids ages 8 years and up, 5k and 10k for adults and teens, snowshoeing at any level, join in for a family fun race while enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors, 1k starts at 10:30am, 5k/10k starts at 11am, Bangor YMCA Wilderness Center at Camp Jordan, 101 Camp Jordan Way, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-941-2808, www.bangory.org/snowshoerace.
Feb. 28, Saturday, 4-8pm, “Bangor Roller Derby 2015 Home Opener, It’s a Doubleheader!” 1st game is at 4pm featuring Bangor against Aroostook Roller Derby, 2nd game is at 6pm with Bangor vs Les Duchesses of Roller Derby Québec, $10, $5/after the first bout, free/12 and under, Skegan Recital Center, 1 Main Road, Former Hampden Academy, Hampden. FMI: 207-862-6451, www.bangorrollerderby.com.
Mar. 1, Sunday, 10am-2pm, “Pine Tree Hospice’s 4th Annual Winterfest,” outdoor activities for all ages will be ongoing, as well as a snow golf competition with prizes awarded to winning teams. Warm indoor dining will be available. A delicious hot lunch of chili, chowder, and hot dogs will be served. A chili cook-off will be judged by Tri-County Technical Center culinary program students and the cast from Downeast Dickerers, $5/per person includes lunch and activities, $20/per family, $25/per person for golf (2 people on a team), lunch and activities, $15/students, Foxcroft Academy, West Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft. FMI: 207-564-4346, www.pinetreehospice.org.
March 3, Tuesday, 3-5pm, “Vancouver Chamber Choir,” Canada’s outstanding professional vocal ensemble. Based on the Pacific Coast in British Columbia, conductor Jon Washburn and his twenty singers are noted for their diverse repertoire and performing excellence. The Choir impresses audiences with the depth and range of its repertoire and interpretive skills. Their concerts might encompass a range of music, from chant to folksong, traditional to avant-garde, a cappella to orchestra, to jazz trio, $35, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 225 French Street, Bangor. FMI: 1-800-622-8499, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
March 3, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Stearns/Schenck Unified One Act Drama ‘Booby Trap’,” a poignant one-act play depicting an American soldier who sits in a combat zone, trapped by a land mine. As he waits to see what happens, scenes from his past, present and future unfold around him, proceeds from this show are going to the Wounded Warrior Project, this performance is prior to the regional competition, cost is by donation, Stearns High school, 199 State Street, Millinocket. FMI: 207-723-6430, www.millinocketschools.org.

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