Must Reads for the Maine Lakefront Cabin, Camp or Cottage

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Must Reads for the Maine Lakefront Cabin, Camp or Cottage

Must Reads for the Maine Lakefront Cabin, Camp or Cottage
Must Reads for the Maine Lakefront Cabin, Camp or Cottage

Wadleigh Pond, Lyman, Maine, Awaits Your Exploration

In the spirit of keeping it local, we continue to seek out books about Maine, by Mainers, and in this case, published in Maine. Look for these titles published by Islandport Press on their Web site or at your local independent bookstore.








A Flatlander’s Guide to Maine by Mark Scott Ricketts
A Flatlander, by definition (at least by our definition) is anyone not originally from Maine. We forgive them. Really, we do. In fact, we want to help. A Flatlander’s Guide to Maine offers visitors, transplants, wary guests, native animal species, and anyone else uninitiated in the ways of the Pine Tree State a well-researched and finely-illustrated educational guidebook. Readers will learn about the state’s culture, attractions, animals, plants, history, lingo, and many other important aspects of Maine life.
We are confident this book will make your visit more intellectually fulfilling and will enhance your Vacationland experience. Okay, okay, actually this book is mostly a lot of humorous drawings, silly cartoons, and made-up stories that we think will make you laugh. If you learn anything, that’s on you. But it is ALL about Maine and we 100% stand by our claim that it will make your visit more fun and you WILL laugh. (P.S. Natives will love it, too!)


A Life Lived Outdoors: Reflections of a Maine Sportsman by George Smith
From laugh-out-loud funny to deeply poignant, A Life Lived Outdoors presents a collection of hand-picked essays by George Smith, one of Maine’s favorite outdoor writers, exploring the way life should be, could be, and sometimes is in the great state of Maine. He set aside the political columns for those about home and camp, family and friends, life in rural Maine, hunting and fishing and other outdoor fun. There’s something for everyone in this collection that celebrates approaching life with humility and humor, as well as a passion for adventure.


The Lake Where Loon Lives written by Brenda Reeves Sturgis, illustrated by Brooke Carlton
There’s a lake. With a loon. Two chicks. Sounds peaceful, right? Guess again!
The Lake Where Loon Lives starts quietly, but the cumulative story builds, one line at a time, to a wacky and wonderful and splashy crescendo, as the loons are joined by a playful fly, a slippery fish, and a curious boy on the dock.
Brenda Reeves Sturgis treats us to fanciful and evocative word play while Brooke Carlton’s exuberant watercolors tell the story behind the story. Mama Loon rolls her eyes and tolerates the antics that take place on the lake until, at the end, she snuggles with her chicks who are ready for sleep, just as the readers of this wonderful picture book will be!
To view lakefront properties for sale on Roberts and Wadleigh Ponds in Lyman, click on the green box above.
To learn more about the Sanford Lakes Region of Maine, click on the blog links below.
Wadleigh and Roberts Ponds, Lyman, Maine: Lakefront Property Owners Appreciate Two-fer One Deal
Kennebunk and Swan Ponds in Lyman, Maine – 2 Gems for Lakefront Lovers


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