Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 29-Feb.4

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 29-Feb.4

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 29-Feb.4
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 29-Feb.4

“Bangor Symphony Orchestra with Midori,” Orono

Jan. 31, Saturday, 8:30am – 12pm, “Jazz on a Winter’s Day,” live jazz provided by guitarist Piero Brovaraone & friends, the All Saints School Jazz Band and other high school and college musicians, delicious breakfast courtesy of the Knights of Columbus Pine Cone Council, $10/adult, $5/children, St. John’s Catholic Church, 217 York Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-217-6740, www.stpaulbangor.me.
Jan. 31, Saturday, 1-3pm, “Scat and Tracks,” enjoy an afternoon exploration of animal scat and tracks and traces that critters leave behind. Participants will get coaching in finding and identifying tracks, and reading the stories they tell. We’ll also delve into scat id. A limited supply of snowshoes are available please bring your own if you have them, $5/member, $10/nonmember, Fields Pond Audubon Center, 216 Fields Pond Road, Holden. FMI: 207-989-2591, www.maineaudubon.org.
Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 4, Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday, 5pm/Sat, 3pm/Sun., 7pm/Wed., “Guys on Ice,” in this manly musical, two long-time pals pass a chilly afternoon in their home away from home, a ramshackle ice- fishing shanty, where they plot to appear on a popular cable TV fishing show; scramble to protect their beer from Ernie the Moocher; and pass the time by swapping jokes, playing cards, talking about women – and occasionally breaking into song and dance, with such unlikely yet irresistible crowd- pleasers as “Ode to a Snowmobile Suit” this fish tale is sure to charm your wool socks off, “You’ll fall hook, line and sinker for this light-hearted romp,” $22, Penobscot Theatre, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.
Jan. 31, Saturday, 8pm-12am, “A Night of Hope Under the Stars,” put on your fancy suit or party and shake off that winter chill! Bring your dancing shoes to warm up the dance floor, bid on items in the silent auction and take a photo in the phot booth, proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society, $15/advance, $20/day of, Jeff’s Catering, 15 Littlefield Road, Brewer. FMI: www.main.acsevents.org/goto/anightofhope.
Feb. 1, Sunday, 1-4pm, “Finding Penobscot Phyllis,” take a hike to find Phyllis, the worlds only female groundhog weather prognosticator. Let the members of the Hirundo Wildlife Refuge introduce you to the secret life of the groundhog, and go on a snowshoeing excursion to find her burrow & complete a scavenger hunt. During the award ceremony enjoy groundhog juice and groundhog droppings by the fire. Bring snowshoes, weather permitting or reserve them, register by Jan. 31, $5, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Gate 1, Hudson Road, Old Town. FMI: 207-394-2171, www.hirundomaine.org.
Feb. 1, Sunday, 3pm, “BSO: Midori and More!,” internationally renowned violinist Midori joins the Bangor Symphony Orchestra for a special performance featuring Sibelius: Finlandia, Schumann: Violin Concerto in D minor, and Sibelius: Symphony No. 1, see site for ticketing information, Collins Center for the Arts, 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono. FMI: 1-800-622-TIXX, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.
Feb. 3, Tuesday, 7:30pm, “Hair Frenzy-Staged Reading,” new play by Travis Baker, author of One Blue Tarp, return to Clara, Maine for a tale of big hair and big dreams, presented by Stillwater Community Arts, post-show discussion to be held at Woodman’s Bar and Grill, $5, Keith Anderson Community House, 19 Bennoch Road, Orono. FMI: www.stillwatercommunityarts.org.

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