Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18
June 11, 2014
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18
June 11, 2014

Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18

Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18
Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 12-18

at the Theatre of Awesome, Freeport

June 12-15 and 17-18, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 2pm/Thurs./Sun. and Tues., 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sat. and Tues.-Wed., “The Buddy Holly Story,” the true story of the three years during which the music legend became the world’s top recording artist with a show that features over 20 of Buddy Holly’s greatest hits, Maine State Music Theatre, 1 Bath Road, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-8769, www.msmt.org.
June 12, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., “Novel Jazz Marks a Decade at Skidompha Library,” the evening will feature Barney Balch (trombone), Mickey Felder (piano), Mark Macksoud (drums), Bryan Jones (alto sax), Wells Gordon (acoustic bass), David Clarke (guitar) and special guest Ralph Norris (tenor and baritone saxophone). Admission: $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $6 for young adults 12-18, under 12 accompanied by a parent go free, Skidompha Library, Main Street, downtown Damariscotta. FMI: 207-563-5513, www.skidompha.org.
June 12, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “VoXX Voice of Twenty, Summer Concert, Life, Love, and Death,” the mid-coast a cappella vocal ensemble VoXX: Voice of Twenty will celebrate the arrival of the 2014 summer season with its annual concerts in June, “Life, Love and Death” is an exploration of these broad themes and their intersection as interpreted through the ages, with music that ranges from solemn to upbeat and sacred to secular. repertoire covers both a broad spectrum of time, from medieval through the present, and of style, from Gregorian chant, and Renaissance polyphony through contemporary harmony, music includes works by Brahms, Britten, Byrd, Holst, Lotti, Monteverdi, Morley, Weelkes, Whitacre and more, admission $10, tickets available at the door, Belfast Armory, Rt.1, Belfast. FMI: 207-338-8395, www.voiceoftwenty.com.
June 13, Friday, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., “Artist’s Reception for ‘Something Small Under the Blankets – Fine Arts Prints in Four Square Inches’,” exhibit of miniature editioned prints and monoprints by 13 Central Maine artists, a collaborative project between members of Circling the Square Fine Art Press in Gardiner and other area printmakers, featuring 26 works including etchings, reliefs, serigraphs, and collographs, free event, Morrell Meeting Room, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-5242, www.curtislibrary.com.
June 13, Friday, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Dodson Concert at the Sail, Power, and Steam Museum,” concert by David Dodson and The Lowdown, Dodson is one of Maine’s favorite original songwriters, David writes great songs that run the gamut– folk, rock, blues, jazz and country – and range from poignant to hilarious, $12, contact venue for ticketing information, Sail, Power, and Steam Museum, 75 Mechanic Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-701-7627, www.sailpowersteammuseum.org.
June 13, Friday, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Great Bay Sailor Concert,” with an extensive repertoire of songs from the U.S. and the U.K. inspired by ships, sailors, oceans and tall tales, concerts by the Portsmouth-based band feature traditional foc’sle ballads, shanties and dance tunes, as well as contemporary offerings by songwriters such as Stan Rogers and Gordon Bok, the group has performed five years at the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival and has developed a popular following on the New Hampshire seacoast music scene, the band features Michael Blair and Steve Carrigan on vocals, Bruce MacIntyre on vocals, guitar, whistle, bones and Irish drum, and Paul Semprini on concertina and piano accordion, $10 adults and $6 students, under 8 free, doors open for tickets sales at 7 p.m., Phippsburg Congregational Church, 10 Church Lane, off Parker Head Road, Phippsburg. FMI: 207-389-1770, www.phippsburguuc.org.
June 13, Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 – p.m., “The Golden Age of Broadway,” in 1943 Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma came to the Broadway stage, this unprecedented style of story telling opened the floodgates for a new style of musical, come to The Theater of Awesome to hear about the times that brought us such musicals as South Pacific, Guys and Dolls, and West Side Story, listen to the behind the scene stories that created stars such as Carol Channing, Julie Andrews, Elaine Stritch and Gwen Verdon, learn about the time that made America and New York City the epitome of musical theater, $14 adults, $10 senior and student, contact venue for ticketing information, The Theater of Awesome, 5 Depot Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-675-4000, www.theaterofawesome.com.
June 14, Saturday, 10:00a.m. – 12:00 p.m., “StoryWalk Launch,” celebrate Father’s Day Weekend with a StoryWalk featuring children’s book And to Think That We Thought That We’d Never Be Friends, families will walk along the trail reading the story from storyboards along the trail, meet at the Haystack Mountain trailhead behind the Walker Memorial Ball Field in Liberty, Note: The book’s story boards will be up through September 2014, co-sponsors: RSU#3 and Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance, free event open to the public, Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance, 44 Main Street, Liberty. FMI: 207-589-3230, www.swlamaine.org.
June 15, Sunday, 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Flannel Shirt Jazz Fest,” Exciting variety of Maine jazz musicians, all ages, gathering to play for you, this is a benefit for the Flannel Shirt Fund, which gives grants to school groups to start gardens with kids so they can grow their own food, learning lots of good lessons about cooperation, health and sustainability, Featured bands: Exact Change, Mike Whitehead Group, Bill Barnes Trio with Bella Rocha, Steve Lynnworth and Friends, Scott Davis Group, donations are suggested, The Highlands Coffee House, Main Street, Route 1, Thomaston. FMI: 207-832-5584, www.facebook.com/highlandscoffeehouse.

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