Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
June 4, 2014
Amazing Details Featured in Contemporary Lakefront House on McGrath Pond, Oakland, Maine
Amazing Details Featured in Contemporary Lakefront House on McGrath Pond, Oakland, Maine
June 5, 2014

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

“Maine Canoe Symposium,” Bridgton

June 6, Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., “Finders, Keepers: Remembrances in Glass by Rick Carney,” at Frost Farm Gallery, opening reception, meet and greet the artist on Friday, June 6, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., live music by the Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School String Quartet, free, light refreshments, Frost Farm Gallery, 272 Pikes Hill, Norway. FMI: 207-743-8041, www.frostfarmgallery.com.
June 6-7, Friday and Saturday, 10am-11pm, “Hebron Pines Annual Country Music Jamboree,” lots of great refreshments Saturday night Baked bean supper w./ all the fixings. or Spaghetti & meatballs with all the fixings (  $6.00 per meal) There will be an open jam Friday evening Country music entertainers & bands include Bobby Reed & The Wild Horse Band Gary Leet & The Country Drifters Band Lost & Found Band L&L Country w./ Zach Hodge Bill Grover Slim Andrews With more great musicians & entertainers thru out the day. And Special guest  Marie from Nashville, Tennessee, bring a comfy chair, rain or shine, 50/50 raffles, camping available, $6, Hebron Pines Campground, Route 24, Hebron. FMI: 207-966-2179 (camping), 207-966-2771 (show only), www.bangordailynews.com.
June 6-8, Friday-Sunday, 2-8pm/Friday, 7am-8pm/Saturday, 7am-1pm/Sunday, “Maine Canoe Symposium,” participate in over 50 on water and on land workshops presented by Maine Guides and Paddling Professionals from the US and Canada. Evening presentations include canoeing expeditions and adventures. We have great Kids and Women’s programs, Camp Winona, 35 Winona Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-751-3458, MaineCanoeSymposium.org.
June 6, Friday, 8:00 p.m. showtime, Marcia Ball,” Singer/pianist Marcia Ball knows how to raise roofs and tear down walls with her infectious, intelligent and deeply emotional brand of southern boogie, rollicking, roadhouse blues and heartfelt ballads, over the course of her three-decade career, Ball has earned a huge and intensely loyal following all over the world, her exquisite piano playing and passionate, playful vocals fuse New Orleans and Gulf Coast R&B with Austin’s deep songwriting tradition into a sound that has garnished her multiple blues awards and grammy nominations, $50 plus $3 handling fee, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
June 7, Saturday, 7:30 p.m., “Spoonmakers Diamond,” coffee and tea are hot and free, munchies for a small donation, mideast and mediterranean music, $10 admission, Village Coffeehouse, 19 Gloucester Hill Road, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-3260, www.villagecoffeehouse.org.
June 8, Sunday, 8:30am/registration, 11:30am/race, “Androscoggin River Canoe & Kayak Race,” Annual canoe & kayak race on the beautiful Androscoggin River for all age groups and ability levels. Adults’ race and children’s race. Awards and barbecue, serious racers as well as the mildly curious are all welcome at this fabulous canoe and kayak race at one of the prettiest venues in New England. All age groups and all classes and categories of canoes and kayaks are welcome. A serious, but fun-filled day, this is local racing at its best. Total distance is approximately 10 miles, $14/entry fee includes BBQ lunch, Bethel Outdoor Adventure & Campground, next to Rt. 2 bridge, Bethel. FMI: 207-824-4224, www.bethelmaine.com.
June 10, Tuesday, 5-9:30pm, doors open at 4pm, “Chicken Pie Supper and Dance,” music by the Maine-iac Mountaineers serving Chicken Pie, Mashed potato, Veggies, salads and gingerbread and whipped cream, $7/supper, $10/supper and dance, $3/child, Lock Mills Legion Hall, Rt. 26, Locke Mills. FMI: 207-733-2069, www.sunjournal.com.

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