Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
June 4, 2014
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
June 4, 2014

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine June 5-11

“The Buddy Holly Story,” Bath

June 5, Thursday, 2pm and 7pm, “The Bolshoi Ballet’s MARCO SPADA,” live in HD, the bandit Marco Spada cheerfully plunders the surrounding region just under the nose of the Governor. He hides his identity carefully and raises his daughter Angela in a castle. Completely unaware of his double life and his clandestine activities, Angela is concerned about her love situation. She longs for Prince Federici but is shattered when she discovers she may not be able to marry him, $15/adult, $10/student, Strand Theatre, 345 Main Street, Rockland. FMI: 207-594-0070 x3, www.rocklandstrand.com.
June 5, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Songwriters Coffeehouse,” led by veteran songwriters David Dodson & John Nicholas, the songwriters’ group has produced original work from rockabilly to singer-songwriter, blues, ballads, love songs, & more, suggested donation at the door will be $5, Camden Public Library, 55 Main St. Camden. FMI: 207-236-3440, www.librarycamden.org.
June 5-8 and 10-11, Thursday-Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday, 7:30pm/Thurs.-Sun. and Tues.-Wed., 2pm/Fri., Sun., and Tues., “The Buddy Holly Story,” the true story of the three years during which the music legend became the world’s top recording artist with a show that features over 20 of Buddy Holly’s greatest hits, $38 – $63, Maine State Music Theater, 1 Bath Road, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-769, www.msmt.org.
June 5 – 11, Thursday – Friday, Monday – Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., “Off the Press, Off the Wall,” an eclectic array of fine art prints by 18 member artists of Circling the Square Fine Art Press in Gardiner, Maine, coordinated by Brunswick artist Judith Long, the show includes monotypes, etchings, reliefs, serigraphs, collographs, cyanotypes, and mixed media prints, free and open to the public, Points of View Art Gallery, Brunswick Business Center, 18 Pleasant Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-373-9300, www.povartistsmaine.com.
June 5 – 11, Thursday – Wednesday, No Sundays, Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Friday 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 9:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m., “‘Something Small Under the Blankets – Fine Art Prints in Four Square Inches,'” exhibit of miniature edition prints and monoprints by 13 Central Maine artists, a collaborative project between members of Circling the Square Fine Art Press in Gardiner and other area printmakers, featuring 26 works including etchings, reliefs, serigraphs, and collographs, free and open to the public, Morrell Meeting Room, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick. FMI: 207-582-2108, www.curtislibrary.com.
June 6, Friday, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., “Bringing Back the Giants to the Forest – art show and fundraiser for the American Chestnut Foundation/Maine chapter,” Author and illustrator, Coreysha Stone presents her one woman art show to benefit the Maine Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation, the show, “Bringing Back the Giants Of the Forest” is inspired by the American Chestnut tree, and is represented through her dynamic Acrylic paintings, the paintings illustrate the various parts of the tree, including the leaves, husks, and nuts, throughout the seasons, free and to the public, Sheepscot General Store, 98 Townhouse Rd, Whitefield. FMI: 207-549-5185, www.sheepscotgeneral.com.
June 6, Friday, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Magic of the Steelgraves,” Maine’s only 100% full-time magical duo, Markus and Angelique Steelgrave create wonder, amazement, and laughter for hundreds of family and corporate audiences each year, their show blends stunning magic with jaw-dropping visual illusions, adorable animals, lots of good-natured audience participation, squeaky-clean comedy, lively music, and plenty of fun surprises to delight the whole family, $13 adults, $10 children, contact venue for ticketing information, The Theater of Awesome, 5 Depot Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-675-4000, www.theaterofawesome.com.

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