Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist

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Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist

Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist
Maine Summer Camps with a Jewish Twist

Crystal Clear Water on Crescent Lake in Raymond, Maine

by Leigh Macmillen Hayes

Nancy Silverman Levinsky, a Maine native who spent four summers at day camps and twelve summers at overnight camps, opened an exhibit in 2012 about the history of Jewish Summer Camps at the Maine Jewish Museum in Portland. The exhibit has become part of the permanent collection. Below, Nancy shares some of her discoveries and memories.

“In the early 1900s, it was common for many Jewish people to send their children to overnight camps in Maine. Part of the reason was that the risk of contracting polio was diminished if the children could get a good dose of Maine.

What is a Jewish camp? Historically speaking, a Jewish camp can mean one of two things. Some were simply camps in which the campers were almost all Jewish . . . there might be no other association to Judaism but that fact. A Jewish camp might also be a camp where various aspects of Judaism are discovered, observed, discussed and celebrated.

Over the years, people felt that if children experience some Jewish life associated with fun, the chances of carrying on some type of Jewish tradition increased.

Camp Kennebec in Oakland is an example of a camp where almost all campers were Jewish, but there was no other association to Judaism. Marty, a former camper, said that there was no Jewish observance, but just being with so many Jewish boys resulted in lifelong friendships. Camp Kennebec hosted people primarily from the Baltimore/Washington DC area, as well as a large contingent from Philadelphia and New York, and a smaller group from Ohio and Boston.

The other kind of Jewish camps begin with the oldest Jewish running summer camp in New England. Founded in 1922, Camp Modin in Belgrade, was built on the premise of having a place for youth to explore, affirm or reaffirm their Jewish identity. The camp, which is in full operation today, is made up of Jewish children of various backgrounds. Camp Modin is a kosher camp, where the campers observe Shabbat and explore their identity through Hebrew songs and art. Each summer, a Judaic Director who oversees the interdisciplinary program.

Camp Lown opened in 1945 in Oakland. Sandra Mazer Fisch, who cut the ribbon that opened the first year, shared that  there were 105 campers, including twenty boys and girls from Portland. The camp held traditional Friday night Shabbat services. Toby Adelman remembers that all the buildings at Camp Lown had Hebrew names.

In the Sebago Lakes Region, Camp Walden in Denmark, Maine, was established in 1916 as an overnight camp for Jewish girls. The present director, Karen Krieger, reports that the camp has been “ethnically” Jewish for most of its history, but not in religious ways. Krieger states that currently they welcome all religions but the family base is primarily Jewish. At present, there is no religious programming beyond giving girls time to study for their B’nai Mitzvot.

Camp Kingswood in Bridgton opened in 1992. In 2006, the camp became part of the Jewish Community Center of Boston and was renamed JCC Maccabi Camp. Like the other camps, this camp celebrates Shabbat, does blessings before and after meals, has a kosher kitchen and the children learn about Israel.

The newest Jewish camp in Maine is Camp Micah in Bridgton, which opened in 2001. This camp is all about making being Jewish fun! Special Shabbat services, with Camp Micah challah, are held in an outside chapel overlooking the mountains and Peabody Pond. On Saturdays, the campers have the opportunity to learn about and work on Tikkun Olam projects. Camp Micah stresses that life is all about making the world a better place and encompasses social action projects in their philosophy.

As a child, I attended Camp Naomi in Raymond, Maine, which was the sister camp to Camp Joseph in Harrison, both overnight camps. At first, the camps were separate from each other, Naomi for girls and Joseph being for boys. Camp Naomi originated in Billerica, MA. From 1954-1985 the camp was in Raymond, Maine, on Crescent Lake. The two camps merged into one co-ed Jewish overnight camp, called Camp Naomi, in the mid-70s and was sold in 1987.

We chanted Hebrew brachot (blessings) before every meal and sang the short version of the Birkat Hamazon (grace after meals). We showered and dressed a little more special for Friday night Shabbat (Sabbath) dinner, which included the blessing over the candles, wine and challah. We usually had a traditional Shabbat meal of chicken. The camps were kosher. On Friday nights,  particular age groups of campers, with their staff, led Shabbat services. Saturday was not like the rest of the days in the week as we could sleep in, attend an optional breakfast and had Saturday morning services once again led by a particular age group. In the afternoon, we participated in activities but did not use the boats in observance of Shabbat. We had Havdalah on Saturday night and sang songs about the coming week. Sometimes we would do some Israeli dancing.

In general, we often had a couple of counselors from Israel. The campers were 99% Jewish and the staff was probably 60% Jewish. We observed Tisha Ba’av (solemn holiday commemorating the destruction of the second temple) and some summers a particular Jewish traveling group from Israel would visit and perform. During the counselor-in-training summer, when the campers were sixteen years old, we spent one month in Israel and one month at camp.
Jewish camps continue to be successful today.”

To learn more about lakefront properties for sale on Crescent Lake in Raymond, click on the green box above.

To learn more about things to do in and around Raymond, check out these blog links:

Vacationland Paradise Waiting for You on Crescent Lake in the Sebago Lakes Region

A Maine Lakefront Buyer’s Twofer – Crescent Lake and Panther Pond in Raymond and Casco, Maine

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