Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Regions of Maine May 8-14
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Regions of Maine May 8-14
May 7, 2014
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14
May 7, 2014

Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14

Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14
Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine May 8-14

“Spring Plant Sale,” Buxton

May 8, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., “Jennifer Brown exhibits at Dyer Community Gallery, ” The Dyer Community Gallery will be celebrating spring in Maine with a nature photography exhibit by local artist Jennifer Brown, “Having a love of nature and the great outdoors seems to be a prerequisite for photography, living in our beautiful state has created an appreciation for the abundance and wonder Mother Earth holds for each of us,” free and open to the public, Dyer Library, Dyer Gallery, 371 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, www.dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org.
May 9-10, Friday and Saturday, 7pm, “Oliver! The Musical,” presented by Our Theatre Company, based on the Charles Dickens story, $10/adults, $8/seniors and 12/under, Nasson Community Center and Little Theatre, 456 Main Street, Springvale. FMI: 207-324-5657, www.nassoncc.org.
May 10, Saturday, 7:00a.m., “International Migratory Bird Day: Bird Banding,” celebrate International Migratory Bird Day by visiting our bird banding station, weather permitting, the bird banders will be under the large old copper beech tree on campus ready to share their ongoing avian research with you, learn about the data they record, and also fascinating natural history information about the birds temporarily caught in the researchers’ mist nets, you may even get to release one of the songbirds from your hand, free and open to the public, Wells Reserve Laudholm Trust, 342 Laudholm Farm Road, Wells. FMI: 207-646-1555, www.wellsreserve.org.
May 10, Saturday, 9am, “Spring Plant Sale,” annuals, perennials, vegetable seedlings, herbs, home-baked food, free to browse, Tory Hill Church, Corner of routes 202 and 112, Buxton. FMI: 207-929-6166, www.snellfamilyfarm.com.
May 10, Saturday, 7pm, “Bucky Lewis,” one-man show with comedy and music, $18, Province Lake Golf Club, 18 Mountain Road, Parsonsfield. FMI: 207-793-4040, www.provincelakegolf.com.
May 10, Saturday, 7:30 p.m., “Aaron Larget – Caplan,” classical guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan is that rare musician who can deliver both virtuosic fireworks and poetic reflection, often integrated into a single interpretation, Aaron began playing classical guitar at age 16, giving his debut at the Tabor Opera House soon after, since then he has premiered over 50 solo compositions, founded the New Lullaby Project and Greater Boston House Concerts, and begun ¡Con Fuego! – a classical Spanish music and flamenco dance ensemble, he is a sought after concert soloist, and gives regular recitals throughout the country, Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-6472, www.sacorivertheatre.org.
May 14, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., “The Best Years of Our Lives,” Ogunquit Performing Arts presents this classic film, free and open to the public, Dunaway Center, 23 School Street, Ogunquit Performing Arts, Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce, 36 Main Street, Ogunquit. FMI: 207-646-2939, www.facebook.com/OgunquitPerformingArts.

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