Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
April 9, 2014
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
April 9, 2014

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

“Little Shop of Horrors,” City Theater, Biddeford

April 10, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Open Mic Night,” bring an instrument or your vocal talent… or just sit back and enjoy the live music, great drinks, snacks and people, free and open to the public, York Harbor Inn, 480 York Street, York. FMI: 207-363-5119, www.yorkharborinn.com.
April 10 – 12, Thursday – Saturday, Thursday – Friday 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., “New Ink: Recent Work by Penegrine Press,” includes over 100 prints and features a diverse range of printmaking techniques from chine colle to monoprint to intaglio (also known as etching), this exhibition will be the first in over two years by the group, free and open to the public, Engine: Propelling the Creative Community, 26 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-370-9130, www.feedtheengine.org/.

April 11, Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., “The Maltese Falcon,” the 1931 film is similar to the Bogart film, but came out in the days before the Motion Picture Production Code. Because it came out before “code”, it is a racier, more sexually explicit film, this film stars Ricardo Cortez as detective Sam Spade and Bebe Daniels as Ruth Wonderly, 78 minutes, local film aficionado Bill Lord will introduce the film, free and open to the public, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us/.
April 11, Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m., “Hattie Simon Trio,” Hattie Simon vocals & piano,Kinnon Church bass, Robbie Neeb drums, The Hive, 84 Main Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-0006, www.thehive.com.
April 11 – 13, Friday – Sunday, Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m., Sunday 2:00 p.m., “Little Shop of Horrors,” the University of New England will be bringing their Spring musical LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS to City Theater in April, a down-and out skid row floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood, soon “Audrey II” grows into an ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore who offers him fame and fortune in exchange for feeding its growing appetite, finally revealing itself to be an alien creature poised for global domination, one of the longest-running Off-Broadway shows of all time, this affectionate spoof of 1950s sci-fi movies has become a household name, thanks to a highly successful film version and a score by the songwriting team of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. Charming, tuneful and hilarious, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS never fails to entertain, $10 per person, City Theater, 205 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-282-0849, www.citytheater.org.
April 12, Saturday, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Frozen,”fFearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, they race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter, Rated PG., 102 minutes free film open to the public, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us/.
April 13, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., “Gladitude Concert,” Gladitude: A celebration of music through concerts accessable and affordable to all. Presented by United Baptist Church of Saco as a mission of community outreach, renowned pianist Anastasfia Antonacos will perform works by Schubert, Liszt, Janacek, Rautavaara and McDowall, free will offering, United Baptist Church of Saco, 318 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3411, www.unitedbaptistsaco.org/.

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