Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
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Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
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Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Apr. 10-16

“Frogs and Pollywogs,” Damariscotta River Association, Damariscotta

April 10 -13, 8:00 a.m. – 8p.m., “EAT Brunswick,” discover the dining diversity of Brunswick by visiting any participating business throughout the week and enjoy special offerings, menus, and pricing, there will be a wide variety of restaurants and culinary businesses participating, and offerings will be available for breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as treats and snacks, special pricing will range from $5.14 to $30.14., Downtown Brunswick, Brunswick. FMI: 207-729-4439, www.brunswickdowntown.org.
April 10, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., “Frogs and Pollywogs,” these classes are held the 2nd Thursday each month (except May) hike always included, registration required, April 10 – Bugs in the Mud, May 15 – Birds of a Feather, June 12 – Horseshoe Crabs, for pre-schoolers and their parents or guardians, ages 2 – 5, $3 per child, Damariscotta River Association, 110 Belevedere Road, Damariscotta. FMI: 207-563-1393, www.damariscottariver.org.
April 10, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., “Small Wooden Boats Forum at Penobscot Marine Museum,” Small Wooden Boats: with boat builders Dale Cottrell, Greg Rossel, Richard Stanley, Chris Stickney and others, join the small boat builders of Penobscot Bay who create the craft that allow us enjoy a day of rowing and sailing, and trailer it home at the end of the day, expect a lively discussion of updated designs versus staying true to tradition, power tools versus hand tools and how to walk away with the boat of your dream, $8 – $10, contact venue for ticketing information, Penobscot Marine Museum, 40 East Main Street, Searsport. FMI: 207-548-2529, www.penobscotmarinemuseum.org.
April 11, Friday, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., “Pinnochio, Childtrens Theatre,” a “Comedia” style children’s theater performance that comes to life with a little help from the audience, “Pinocchio” is silly, fun and has a good moral, $10.00 adults, $7.00 children, contact venue for ticketing information, Theater of Awesome, 5 Depot Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-675-4000, www.theaterofawesome.com.
April 11, Friday, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., “Vernal Pools and Fairy Shrimp Exhibit,” the Merrymeeting Arts Center in Bowdoinham announces the opening of its annual youth show “Vernal Pools & Fairy Shrimp” open to emerging artists age eighteen and under who work in any medium, the exhibit will feature two murals by students at the Woodside Elementary School in Topsham, Merrymeeting Arts Center, 9 Main Street, Bowdoinham. FMI: 207-370-5002, www.merrymeetingartscenter.org.
April 11, Friday, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Patty Larkin Concert,” Patty Larkin, the Boston-based artist, is a guitar virtuoso who has experimented with live track looping and even dipped her toe into hip-hop, but at her essence, Larkin is a singer-songwriter, spawned from the 1970s movement that brought Joni Mitchell and Richard Thompson to popular culture, Patty Larkin redefines the boundaries of folk-urban pop music with her inventive guitar wizardry and uncompromising vocals and lyrics, $18 in advance, $20 day of show, contact venue for ticketing information, Chocolate Church Arts Center, 804 Washington Street, Bath. FMI: 207-442-8455, www.chocolatechurch.com.
April 11 – 12, Friday – Saturday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Hot Country Nights,” the 8th annual Hot Country Nights show is returning to Crooker Theater at Brunswick High School this April 11th and 12th, the proceeds will be benefiting Mid Coast Hunger Prevention, and all 4 classes at BHS. HCN features the musical talents of some of Brunswick’s finest students and staff, we guarantee one hour of quality entertainment jam packed into a 90 minute show, $5 tickets, Brunswick High School, Crooker Theater, 116 Maquoit Road, Brunswick. FMI: 207-319-1910, www.brunswick.k12.me.us/bhs/.

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