Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 2-12

Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 6-12
Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 6-12
March 5, 2014
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 6-12
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 6-12
March 5, 2014

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 2-12

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 2-12
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Mar. 2-12

“Lou and Peter Berryman,” Emery Community Arts Center, Farmington

March 7, Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., “Evening of Laughter – Lou & Peter Berryman,” musical humorist’s hilarious, quirky, yet oddly profound songs leave audiences with cheeks aching from smiling, have performed at the Kennedy Center and on A Prairie Home Companion, long may they wave” — Pete Seeger, “A couple of wonderful songwriters” —Garrison Keillor, $10, Emery Community Arts Center, 111 South Street, Farmington. FMI: 207-778-7000, www.louandpeter.com.
March 7, Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Aqua City Actor’s Theatre (ACAT) Presents Sharp Dressed Men by G. Matthew Gaskell,” three sons are in charge of organizing their parents’ wedding, one brother is monumentally hungover, another is having a marital crisis and nobody picked up the tuxes, who thought that putting the boys in charge was a good idea, $12 – $10 contact venue for ticketing information, Waterville Opera House, 93 Main Street, Waterville. FMI: 207-873-7000, www.operahouse.com.
March 7, Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Comedy Series: Jim Colliton, Dave Decker, Jesse Bickford,” Jim Colliton grew up in the suburbs, which is a big influence on his act. If you’ve ever been embarrassed about the contents of your recycling bin or tried to kill a flying bat in your house, you will find his comedy hilarious, Jim also once stole a school bus and it seems like everyone finds that story funny, his love for performing comes out every time he takes the stage and while his comedy is very funny, it is also clean, this has helped him stay busy, and he has appeared on national television shows like Ed McMahon’s Next Big Star, Comcast Comedy Spot Light and Comedy Central Laugh Riots, Jim can also be heard on XM Satellite Radio’s Comedy Channel, Dave Decker, a native of Massachusetts, performs regularly at clubs in Boston and New York City, winner of the coveted Betty Crocker Award in 1975, Dave Decker brings his distinct point of view to the stage in a way that both engages and charms audiences, his intelligent and clever humor, along with his distinctive stage presence, make him a hit for venues large and small, Jess Bickford is a Maine native who knew early on that he was different than the other kids, he didn’t want to play sports, play with matchbox cars, or do the same stuff other kids did, what he did want was to make everyone around him laugh and be a part of a group that was always having a good time and enjoying themselves, then one day he saw a comedian making everyone laugh on TV, his parents said THIS was his job, he asked his parents if the comedian was paid well. “Yeah, millions!” they said, so he vowed that he would not stop until he had 10 cars, a few mansions, and a supermodel as a wife from just being a funny guy, as of now, he is a single man who drives a Subaru Forester and lives with his parents, $12 – $15 at the door, Franco American Center, 46 Center Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-1585, www.francocenter.org.
Mar 7 – 9, Friday – Sunday, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., “The Vagina Monologue,” The Vagina Monologues is a series of monologues about women’s bodies and the language women use to communicate about themselves, the show has been performed nationally and will be stages at the Waterville Opera House, $20 premium seating $18 Prime Seating, $15 General Admission, contact the Venue listed below for ticketing information, Waterville Opera House, 1 Common Street, Main Stage, Waterville. FMI: 207-873-7000, www.operahouse.org.
March 8, Saturday, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., “Pihcintu Concert,” Multinational Children’s Chorus from Portland will perform at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, the girls’ chorus is directed by Con Fullam, donations welcome, Universalist Unitarian Church, 67 Silver Street, Waterville. FMI: 207-873-4006, www.uuc-wtvl.org.
March 8, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Room at Trinity, A Moment’s Notice,” since the mid 1990’s the group has been performing a blend of straight ahead jazz standards and original tunes in the Lewiston-Auburn area and around Maine in various venues, while often appearing as a quartet, this show presents the trio of John Smedley on guitar, Jeff Taylor on bass and Michael Hansen on drums, their set list for this show includes Smedley originals, as well as works by Theolonious Monk and Wes Montgomery, $10 suggested donation, kids are free, contact venue for ticketing information, Trinity Church, 247 Bates Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-344-3106, www.trinitylewiston.episcopalmaine.org.
March 9, Sunday, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., “A Musical Journey Around the World: Joelle Morris and Bridget Convey,” a concert with commentary, Joelle Morris, mezzo soprano, and Bridget Convey, pianist, present an afternoon of songs from France, Spain, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and will include a world premier composition by Maine composer, Don Stratton, $10, $5 students, 12 & under free, contact the Presenting Organization listed below for ticketing information, UMA Jewett Auditorium, 46 University Auditorium, 46 University Drive, Augusta. FMI: 207-621-3551, www.concertsatjewett.com.

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