Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19

Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19
Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19
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Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Feb. 13-19

“Valentine’s Cabaret,” Denmark

Feb. 14 and 15, Friday and Saturday, 7:30pm, “Valentine’s Cabaret,” featuring songs from “Grease,”, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love Never Dies,” Burt Bacharach’s “A House is Not a Home,” “Razzle-Dazzle,” “I Hate Men,” “As if We Never Said Goodbye” from Sunset Boulevard, “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” and many more, $12, Denmark Arts Center, 50 West Main Street, Denmark. FMI: 207-452-2412, www.denmarkarts.org.
Feb. 15 and 16, Saturday and Sunday, “Winter Carnival,” a two-day event sponsored by the Greater Bridgton Lake Region Chamber of Commerce, includes indoor and outdoor activities such as a Mid-Winter Massacre Dodge-ball Tournament, Ping Pong Tournament, Dog Sled Rides, Snowmobile Rides, Snow Shoeing, Youth Ice Fishing Derby, Freezin’ for Reason for Fund Raiser to benefit Harvest Hills Animal Shelter, Winter Carnival Dance and much more, celebrate winter both indoors and out, and keep cabin fever at bay, see site for event times and locations, Highland Lake and other venues, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-3472, www.mainelakesmushersbowl.com.

Feb. 15, Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., “Mellie Dunham Snowshoe Festival,” 4th annual Festival honoring Norway’s history as the “Snowshoe Town of America,” events include family snowshoe games 10 a.m. to noon at Roberts Farm Preserve, 3 Legged Race, 1k Dash, Egg & Spoon, Musical Chairs, family relays, and the worlds only snowshoe wife carry, traditional wooden snowshoes and snowshoeing costumes honored, at 2pm 5k and 10k snowshoe races, 7pm full moon snowshoe, free event, $5 registration fee for 5k and 10k races, Roberts Farm Reserve, 64 Roberts Road, Norway. FMI: 207-739-2124, www.wfltmaine.org/roberts-farm.html.
Feb. 14, Friday, desert reception 7:15 p.m.(included with ticket price,)8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Love is in the Air: Broadway’s Best Love Songs,” join a group of talented local performers for an evening of Broadway’s best love songs, bring that special someone and enjoy a blend of traditional and contemporary Broadway’s most romantic songs, buy tickets online, $25 per person, contact venue for ticketing information, North Windham Union Church, 723 Roosevelt Trail, Windham. FMI: 207-892-7149, www.mainstagekids.com.
Feb. 15 and Feb. 16, 7am-3pm, “Fishing Derby,” Kezar Lake, weigh-in at Lower Bay and Farrington’s Beach (in morning), total cash prize amounts are $1,200 for Upper Bay (from Narrow’s Bridge North) and $1,200 for Lower Bay (from Narrow’s Bridge South), lifetime fishing license for a youth, sponsored by Fryeburg Recreation Department, contact Colin Micklon, see site for registration fees, Kezar Lake, Lovell. FMI: 207-935-3293, www.fryeburgrec.com.
Feb. 15 – 16, Saturday – Sunday, daylight hours, “Sebago Lake Ice Fishing Derby,” ice fishing weigh station opens 7 a.m. to 5p.m., polar dip Feb. 15 at noon, Sebago Speed Trials, Sunday 16 at 10 a.m., free to attend, entry fees individual $25, family, $35, Sebago Lake, Raymond. FMI: www.icefishingderby.com.
Feb. 17, Monday, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., “Sparks Ark,” come and meet Josh Sparks of Sparks’ Ark and the array of wild animals he rehabilitates, $5 per person, Pineland Farms, 16 Pineland Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-688-4691, www.pinelandfarms.org.

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