Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
January 15, 2014
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
January 15, 2014

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

“Drumbalaya Drum Circle,” The Hive, Kennebunk

Jan. 18, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “‘A Separation’ York Diversity Forum Film Series,” a complex and beautifully executed film that gives insight into a different culture, and reveals that the trials and tribulations of modern Iranian families are no different than our own, (123 minutes), free and open to the public, York Pubic Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York. FMI: 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.
Jan. 19, Sunday, 11am-3:30pm, “Children’s Art Show,” this lovely Art Show and Sale will feature artists from School Around Us and will be held at Atria Senior Living in Kennebunk $5/donation, Atria Senior Living, Penny Lane, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-967-3143, www.schoolaroundus.org.
Jan. 19, Sunday, 1-3:30pm, “Cross Country Skiing,” free skiing and equipment, includes skates for the ice rink, Horizons Building, 213 South Hiram Road, South Hiram.  FMI:  207-625-3605, www.sacopeerec.com.
Jan. 19, Sunday, 8pm, “Marc Cohn,” Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter Marc Cohn has been obsessed with pop music for as long as he can remember! As a songwriter and singer, Cohn combines the precision of a brilliant tunesmith with the passion of a great soul man. He’s a natural storyteller, balancing the exuberant with the poignant, and able to distill universal truth out of his often romantic, drawn-from-life tales. He similarly finds the emotional essence in the vintage songs he’s just recorded, even as he brilliantly reshapes his source material. Cohn’s own career took off at the turn of another decade, in 1990, with the recording of his critically acclaimed, self-titled debut disc, which yielded such classics in their own right as “Walking In Memphis,” “Silver Thunderbird,” and the lovely “True Companion,” $47.50, $5/service charge, Jonathan’s Restaurant, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207-646-4777, www.jonathansrestaurant.com.
Jan. 20 – 22, Tuesday – Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., “Americans Who Tell the Truth,” portraits by Robert Shetterly, free and open to the public, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York. 207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.
Jan. 22, Monday, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., “Photography by David Sullivan,” come and view amazing photographs, free and open to the public, Wells Public Library, 1434 Post Road, Wells. FMI: 207-646-8181, www.wells.lib.me.us.
Jan. 22, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m., “Drumbalaya Drum Circle,” Drumbalaya drum circle is for all ages, and all levels of drummers, come join in and create music…we are an orchestra with no written music, playing parts and yet as a team, beginners welcome, extra drums and rhythm toys available, $5 per person, Hive, 84 Main Street, Kennebunk. FMI: 207-985-0006, www.thehivekennebunk.com.

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