Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
January 15, 2014
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
January 15, 2014

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 16-22

“Winter Family Fun Days,” Lake St. George, Augusta

Jan 16, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., “Economics as if Nature Mattered,” Paul Kando will speak on “Economics as if Nature Mattere,.” his talk, part of the library’s “Green Growing January” series, is hosted by the Midcoast Audubon Society, in the wake of the first 1970s oil crisis, Kando led the first-ever energy audit on a whole city and was involved in designing the solar heating system for the White House during the Carter presidency, he researched energy-storage technologies and photovoltaics, managed a large solar energy program for the Department of Energy, conducted building energy research in the United States and Scandinavia, and produced three documentary films on advanced building systems, a Maine certified residential energy auditor, Kando is one of the organizers of the Midcoast Green Collaborative, a citizen initiative dedicated to the premise that addressing global warming in a timely fashion represents an economic opportunity for Maine, he urges us to “commit to realizing the vision of the Declaration of Independence: a sustainable economy serving a society of equals pursuing happiness, we could emulate the sustainable economy of nature,” free and open to the public, Camden Library, 55 Main St., Camden, FMI: 207-236-3440, www.camden.lib.me.us.
Jan. 17, Friday, 7:30pm, “Gallery of Song,” an Evening with Tom Acousti, as a writer, Tom Acousti creates timeless songs for modern times. As a performer, he’ll deliver them directly to your heart. Join us for an unforgettable evening, as Tom fills the Chocolate Church Gallery to overflowing with authentic moving songs to celebrate the the artist in everyone, doors open at 7pm, $18, $12 members advanced sales only, Chocolate Church, 804 Washington Street, Bath. FMI: 207-442-8455, www.chocolatechurcharts.org.
Jan. 18, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., “Winter Family Fun Days Lake St. George State Park Youth Ice Fishing Derby,” learn how to fish, all equipment and bait provided; bbq lunch, warming hut, and dog sled rides (snow permitting from 10-3 for $3 per person) $1.50 for adults and youth ages 12-64; all others free, Maine State Parks Lake St. George, 278 Belfast, Augusta. FMI: 207-589-4255, www.mainestateparks.org.
Jan. 18, Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ” Reception for Artist of the Month, Jim Carpenter,” Jim Carpenter’s “Paint Can Art” is on display for the month of January at the Camden Public Library, a self-taught photographer who enjoys capturing the beauty around him, Carpenter always seeks new subjects to photograph, his art, a mixed-media form, combines designs created from house-paint colorants with photography and results in unique abstract images, please join us for a reception in the Library’s Picker Room on the first floor, Camden Public Library, 55 Main St., Camden. FMI: 207-236-3440, www.camden.lib.me.us.
Jan. 18, Saturday, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., “Midcoast Music Academy Student Recital,” come celebrate music education in the Rockland area with Midcoast Music Academy’s first student recital, come hear student performances and learn about community music programming in the midcoast, free and open to the public, The Wyeth Center at the Farnsworth Art Museum, 16 Museum St., Rockland. FMI: 207-596-6457, www.farnsworthmuseum.org.
Jan. 18, Saturday, 7:30pm, “The Mallet Brothers Band,” drawing from an array of influences including rock and roll, folk, blues, bluegrass, neo-traditional and classic country and even punk, “MBB” are known for high-intensity live performances. They’ve played national festivals as well as sold-out venues ranging from grange halls to rock clubs throughout the Northeast U.S. They were voted Best Local Act, Best Live Act, Best Roots Act, and won additional awards for Best Local Album (“Low Down”) and Best Song (“Low Down”) in the 2012 Portland Phoenix Best Music Poll. They were voted Best Local Act, Best Live Act, and had their debut album named Best Local Album in the 2011 Phoenix BMP, after their first full year of playing together. They were nominated for “Best Emerging Artist” of 2011 by Deli Magazine, Boston, and “Best Band/Act in Maine” in the 2011 New England Music Award, $15/advance, $17/door, Rockland Strand, 345 Main Street, Rockland. FMI: 207-594-0070, www.rocklandstrand.com.
Jan. 18, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Gary Wittner Quartet featuring Brade Terry,” Guitarist Gary Wittner’s ongoing vocal original project, as heard on MPBN and in concert venues around Maine, w/ jazz quartet featuring virtuoso clarinetist/whistler Brad Terry, Jacob Forbes on drums and Kinnon Church on bass, $10 in advance, $12 day of show, contact venue for ticketing information, Fontier Cafe, 14 Maine Street, Fort Andross Mill, Brunswick. FMI: 207-725-5222, www.explorefrontier.com.

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