Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 9-15

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Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 9-15

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 9-15
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Jan. 9-15

“Next Generation Theatre,” Brewer

Jan. 10, Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., “Legally Blonde,” performed by local Bangor and Brewer area teens, you will enjoy this funny and spirited take on life of a privileged blonde beauty, adults $7, students $4, Next Generation Theater, 10 Center Street, Brewer. FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
Jan, 10, Friday, 9:00 p.m.- 12:00 a.m., “John Nowak Quartet,” jazz standards from The Great American Songbook with a few New Orleans flavored tunes mixed in, musical entertainment is free, Big Easy Lounge and Cafe, Charles Inn Broad Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-992-2820, www.thecharlesinn.com.
Jan. 11, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., “Winter Ecology: Animal Signs,” join wildlife ecologist Bucky Owen, as he snowshoes along a section of Hirundo’s seven mile trail system, topics include seasonal animal adaptations, identification of animal tracks and interpretations of animal signs, reservations and cancellations requested by January 10, limited number of snowshoes available, suggested donation $5 for adults, free for children, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Gate 1, Hudson Road, Alton. FMI: 207-944-9259, www.hirundomaine.org.
Jan. 11, Saturday, 10:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m., “Self-Reflection for the New Year,” drawn from the eastern philosophy of Japanese Psychology, participate in a series of written guided reflections to help you reflect on the past year, gain perspective and clarity, identify what really matters and make meaningful goals for 2014 with tips to stay on track, $20, contact venue for ticketing information, YMCA, Mount Desert Island, 36 Mount Desert Island, 36 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor. FMI: 207-801-1107, www.mdiymca.org.
Jan. 11, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., “Down East Dancers, Winter Sizzler Dance,” club DJ plays it all-Jitterbug, West Coast Swing, Latin, Waltz, Two-Step, etc., $8 per person, $5 seniors and students, Down East Family YMCA, 238 State Street, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-664-0120, www.defymca.org.
Jan 12, Sunday, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., “VoXX Voice of Twenty,” “Mary, Mother and Child” is built around works that explore the “Marian Canon” as manifested through the ages, with music that ranges from serene and contemplative to upbeat and joyful, repertoire covers a broad spectrum of time and style, from medieval chant and early polyphony through Renaissance chorale and contemporary harmony, music includes works by Dufay, Byrd, Gesualdo, Victoria, Poulenc, Britten, Taverner, Howells and more, free ande open to the public, Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, 122 Ash Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-236-9413, www.voiceoftwenty.com.
Jan. 12, Saturday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., “Dinosaur Train,” Jim Henson’s Dinosaur Train Live: Buddy’s Big Adventure, embraces and celebrates the fascination that preschoolers have with both dinosaurs and trains, the series encourages basic scientific thinking skills as the audience learns about life science, natural history and paleontology, $25 adults, children $15 12 and under, University of Maine-Collin Center for the Arts, 5746 Collin Center for the Arts, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1755, www.collinscenterforthearts.com.

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